I read today that sixty bodies were found, bound and tortured to death in Baghdad, yet it barely registers on the news. If over one hundred people a day were being tortured to death and dumped like garbage in the streets of Detroit or Boston, there would be graphic photos and outrage and mayhem, but, its happening over there, and we're over here.
Also, our dead are hidden, not even their flag draped coffins are allowed to be seen by we, the consumers and providers of sons and daughters. And our crippled soldiers are hidden as well, because, well because we are too sensitive to see that sort of thing, and god forbid our kids ever see it, cause they'll soon be in it, and we can't have that.
And the untold thousands of dead in Iraq, we never see them, never see the blood, the body parts lying burnt in the street, the grieving mothers and children, we don't see it, we can't see it, we are not allowed to see it.
I strongly believe that if we started to show Americans what their tax dollars go to, the war might stop, or at least slow down. We need to get used to seeing the tortured to death lying about in the streets, we need to see our shattered soldiers, and the flag draped coffins, we need to stop hiding them and LOOK AT THEM.
Look at it. Brace yourselves and look at it. You are a part of it, you pay for it, you ought to be able to see the results of it.