I hear that question a lot, in regard to the neo cons, cheney, rummy, bush et al., and I wonder what makes that type of human different than myself, or for that matter, from the rest of humanity? What is a neo con, and what made them the way they are, and why are they so different than you and I?
I wonder how bush can visit crippled soldiers and look into their eyes knowing what he knows, how can he stand there and give them medals and use them as photo op props, how can a man like that sleep at night? How could a Christian man not have nightmares thinking about what's been done in his name, and what's been sanctified in God's name?
Or a man like cheney who has untold billions but its just not enough for him, he's so desperate for more billions that he's willing to decree the deaths of thousands of innocent people and thousands of patriotic young soldiers, how can a fucker like that sleep at night we wonder?
Because of these well rested mother fuckers, millions of us can't sleep at night, maybe billions worldwide. Can they sleep at night knowing what they know, doing what they do? You bet your ass they can, they sleep like babies, big, fat, greedy, pampered, grotesque babies from hell.