Is perception truth, or is truth something other, and if it is other, how do we know it, except perhaps that it is already there, already presciently known to obviously be the truth, our apriori existance, based on perception, and what is truth? The very same arguments we are having today, have been had in ango-americana for 100 years now. *(the iron heel) The claims of globalization were being made in 1906, and the same corporate war barony that was pursuing a path of competing empires is entrenched.
So, it looks like the goal line has been moving in every generation, that the american body politic is increasingly rightwards, corporatist and militarist.
But this is a faux projection by the corporate media, still we are like freshwater fish being progressively adapted to more and more salt water, and what in the UK is a conservative position of universal healthcare, a fair deal for the poor, and energy and environmental conservation, in in the US, is a leftwing position, because our yardline has been moved, every generation, by the corporate cultural programmers.
They believe that they can create a society without progressive ideas at all, that if the yardline is moved far enough, corporatism will dominate. And so we are faced with this conundrum, that if we repeat the same leftist ideas of our forebears, we've already been outframed, as the basis of older leftism were unions and forms of social organization that have been shifted off the field of power, and we are living anachronisms if we are hoping the 60's will return.
So, whilst untampered with populations the rest of the world are intensely leftist and democratic, the US body politic is walking rightwards as if that is creating a new species, sustainably unsustainable. And this is preached in every hollywood film, in every TV series of slick propaganda, this rightwards frame of overly white, overly male, overly militant and violent, hollow culture of fundamentalist axioms and dissonant lies, and this false mammon reaches out to embrace other idiocies elsewhere on the planet in a return to the feudal values of women as property, black people's votes not worth counting, and freedom as a priviledge.
This reframing poses a question to us all, to either be militant in rooting it out, and deconstructing it to its first principals mercilessly, or to reframe our own message like the neocons did, radically repackaged in a trojan horse, a macrophage to heal the zero-sum corporate infection to be globally sustainable before it kills us all with its toxification of the planet, its wars and the bankruptcy of the poverty we're leaving our children.http://www.progressiveindependent.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=41523