...to the president's rambling discourse on the "War on Terror" on Monday evening, it was clear that he was promising even more "constructive" destruction to come.On Monday night, President Bush offered yet another in a series of speeches designed to rally the country to his various wars and occupations. It was a rambling dissertation in which the president asserted that we are both safer than we were five years ago and also that we're in what "some" have called an existential "clash of civilizations."
His performance showed the degree to which this administration has become unmoored from the mundane confines of reality. But even more troubling was the fact that, reading between the lines, Bush was calling for more war, for yet more bloodshed in the final years of his disastrous presidency. That was the only conclusion one could draw if one followed his arguments to their logical end, but I wonder how many of those watching even realized it, subtly caged as it was in pretty rhetoric about "the power of freedom."