Edited on Wed Sep-13-06 10:54 AM by Montagnard
The Bush regime lied to the American people. They never felt at anytime that Iraq had WMDs or their desire for Iraq to be a stable democracy.
The absolute proof of those statements is that there never was a plan for securing those WMDs and there was never a plan for the post war.
The reason that you can feel assured in saying that there was no plan to secure the WMDs lies in the fact that General Frank bypassed all munitions depots, without releasing troops to securing, on his rush to Baghdad. Even after the fall of Baghdad, it was weeks before the Coalition forces took any interest in securing those sites.
Now if the Bush regime were operating under the assumption that Saddam had WMDs would a prudent person take steps to secure all munitions sites? Or, were they just stupid?
As for the post war, the lack of planning by the Bush regime is on the verge of producing a defeat for America. During the first six weeks, the Bush regime allowed Iraq to fall into chaos, which we are still dealing with and has locked the US military into a quagmire.
Had they been serious about nation building they would have committed enough troops to bring security to Iraq within the first three weeks. They did not, as a matter of fact Rumsfeld turn around and sent home a division that was slated to enter Iraq just after the fall of Baghdad. There has never been enough troops to bring security and stability to the country and now it may well be lost to Iran.
So the next time someone tells you Bush thought there were WMDs in Iraq because he was reading faulty intelligence, you reply, “If that is so, then where were the plans to secure those WMDs, or was Bush just stupid?”
If they tell you, we have to stay because the terrorist would win if we cut and run. You respond that we have to stay because the Bush regime screwed the pooch on Iraq in the first six weeks.