He put this garbage at the end of his latest screed:
If it appears that I am having too much fun with this column, I admit it. I am. But the fun grew today when a DUmpster Diver alerted me to the fact that the laughably stupid Otto Sauer/Archae (mentioned above) had spammed this column into the DUmp. Otto’s stupidity solved a big problem for me, namely, how to alert the moonbats that I was openly mocking them by posting the column on their site. Otto to the rescue! Their reaction to my mockery has been priceless. Check it out for yourself:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x2043120…updates as the moonbats continue their little melt down…
http://villarica.com/gbase/Expedite/Content?oid=oid%3A705First off, the shithead can't even get my name right.
Second, he shows we have a frikkin' moran here, spying for the "editor."
And I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather be an intelligent "moonbat" than a asshole wingnut like Hardlygreased.
(I call Hardegree "Hardlygreased," since a machine that's hardly greased makes all kinds of weird noises and whines before it seizes up or explodes.)
No wonder he can only be the "editor" of a shopper's weakly that he owns.
Even the Moonie Times would kick his sorry ass out the door.