What is really disgusting is how the rightwing will say twisted meaningless sickening things like "OH BUT DEAD US SOLDIERS, WHO CARES! USA OR NO WAY! WAR PROFITER AND/OR OIL BARRON, WE RULE, YOU DROOL! I IS LOVE JEEEEEEEEEEEESUS TOO! I GOT MY GOOD GUY BADGE! SO YOU CAN'T TALK NO SMACK ABOUT ME! THE WAR BE GOOD!" How have we let ourselves sink into this bog of deprevaty? How have we not made more of a dent into the sheer and utter LIES and RUINING of what was once THE GREATEST NATION on the face of this very planet?! I emplore ANY elected Democrat (thought I will NOT hold my breath) to set up and hold the CONs to the FIRE, the very fire THEY have made, and ask forth WHERE IN THE HELL IS OSAMA?! And other highly vital REAL questions that ARE relevant to NATIONAL SECURITY, not if some college kid is wearing a "F U" hat on a plane! Or an arab-looking and/or islamic person wearing a t-shirt onto a plane with ARABIC WRITING! Asinine! So much for REAL detections of things with can bring down a plane. I have YET to hear of writing on ANY t-shirt bring ANYTHING down! I wish to hell more people on the left, in positions of power (or something to that affect) would grow a SPINE and SPEAK OUT! Speak out on this, while you CAN! The cons keep saying "the childern are our future!" when it comes to a woman's choice. Well, what about the CHILDERN WHO ARE BORN!? Excuse YOU! IF you really cared about YOUR childern, YOU PEOPLE (sorry to sound Ross Perot-ish!) would NOT do the sick and perverted things you do!
And to paraphrase "the great philosopher Carlin", as Robert Anton Wilson said best: "I have no planned closing for this, so I shall take a quick bow!" RRA