It is a total accident of life that i am still alive, and i owe the universe for this second chance.
So my truth is that i've died in 9/11, and my collegues died, my business died, my romantic memories of new york died, really, it changed everything.
I was very heartfelt with the Olberman diatribe, it is 'personal', and i'm unlikely as a person in this lifetime to ever not know the scar of that god-thunderbolt and the accidents that kept me alive to write this.
So, why was i saved, when so many better persons died? You know, really, if you wanted to honour my death, even if it is from terrorism, end AIDS and don't kill anybody, please; spend the impetus and the bloodlust of war on being grand and outstanding as human beings, like fucking star-trek artful at intervening with primitive species and coming off the smart uplifter out of it all. And I'm glad i did not die in those attacks, as nobody ended AIDS, nobody brought peace or democracy to the middle east. Nobody stopped massive state terrorism and war crimes, a terrorism of prison guards against prisoners in a wealth-distribution civil war, where one white man who did not die in 9/11 believes white men and american projeny have a special right to more.
I am sickened, i am dead, buried in the rubble of 9/ll an unmoving corpse beneath concrete, released from my earthly chains, and in liberation, free of the tyranny, the egotism and the hate of mankind, free of the appearance, free of hate, degenerates and the culture of ignorance.
In abstract, the career objectives of WTC finance was to provide a service to the world's markets for infinite liquidity in bond markets. This means, in lay-speak, "the money closet". That in a collaboration of trading floors and a bluster of phone calls, a hundred billion dollars can just be born out of nothing. The terrorists bombed the money closet that paid for all the american terrorism in the middle east for so many long years, and i have read all the history that an average person can understand, that i feel comfortable in saying the US has earned the 9/11 attack, but that is impersonal, an abstract strike of cultures and ideologies, not the personal story of individiuals involved in their important tasks and jobs of empire and war.
The act is abhorrent, but the meaning must not be lost. It was a slap, a strike, a prick to wake up.
And american culture, instead, has rolled over and gone back to sleep. It has totally missed the opportunity and instead pressed anglo-american culture in to a decline to obvious that it has spurred a competitition of empires to supercede the US strategically as it declines in influence due to its long-debtor status... with the money closet gone, the wars are no longer paid for, and the dead are long forgotten whilst empire extracts its toll in blood.
9/11 is personal, i've read all the reasons 'why' and none of them satisfy. I am angry that my potential death has been turned in to a war against islamic nations, where non-democratic regimes that supply hyjakkers are made to take sovereign responsibility. Really, if you want to wage a war on my grave, nail pakistan and saudi arabia, the sponsors of the terrorism, and spare me the excuses about israel, iraq, or afganistan, or the drugs war.
I'm dead this 9/11, 5 years a rotted corpse, reading the news every day wondering when somefuckingbody will report what actually went on in those towers that the very-well-informed enemy sought to destroy.
I am immensely saddened that the act of terror was not turned towards an ending of strife around the world, a world justice system and global economic prosperity... and instead, a very achievable future has been traded in on a race to war and stupidity in every country as every conservative party seeks to emulate the success of bush-fascism.
Instead of doing something great with 'our' deaths, the bush filth have just murdered and cost my loved ones their long term security... what an ass, really, what an ass, and all the republicans should be voted out for supporting more murder than their enemies, for forgetting their christian values and giving way to bloodlust and revenge, in showing the world that they are NOT christians, and that in deed, 'we' are not christians, taking the hand of the lord from over our refuge.