This is a congressional seat (WI-5) that is never listed as being "in play". Sensenbrenner has had the seat for 28 years without a serious challenger from either party. Its the most conservative district in Wisconsin, and he is one of the most powerful and wealthy men in Congress.
In 2004 a professor from UW Milwaukee named Bryan Kennedy became the Democratic candidate and ran against Sensenbrenner, losing roughly 2:1 (67-33) or thereabouts. Many people think its hopeless for anyone to try to beat Sensenbrenner... we just have to wait for the inevitable aging process to run its course.
But Kennedy has been hard at work building the party around WI, recruiting people to run for State and Local offices, and building networks in his district. Meanwhile, Sensenbrenner has been stirring up the country with his extreme stand on immigration. While Kennedy is knocking on doors and talking to voters in his congressional district, Sensenbrenner is out promoting the immigration bill around the country. Clearly, he thinks the seat is his and he doesn't even need to campaign.
Poll numbers as of 2 weeks ago show Sensenbrenner at 49% and Kennedy at 41% with 10% undecided. This is HUGE! Sensenbrenner is losing steam because of his own actions and complete identification with Bush, who the country is getting sick of. He's probably going to campaign on the tired old theme of "only the Republicans can keep you safe and secure".
Meanwhile, Kennedy and his supporters are out in the district every day talking to voters, spreading the word. Guess what! Republican women are sick of war mongering and worried about the loss of rights for women in this country! Kennedy has signed the Declaration of Peace and is endorsed by NARAL. His support is steadily building, while Sensenbrenner's is declining.
I'm working on the Kennedy campaign even though I live outside the district and I can tell you he's a wonderful candidate and has progressive values. Working for him fills me with HOPE for the future of this country. This is now in the realm of the POSSIBLE.
Have hope. Volunteer for a campaign. Contribute in whatever way you can. We CAN get our country back.
:kick: :kick: :kick: :kick: :kick: :kick: :kick: :kick: :kick: :kick: