I hope Ann Richards haunts the shit out of Karl Rove.
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:19 PM
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I hope Ann Richards haunts the shit out of Karl Rove. |
I hope she drives him fucking insane, gives him heartburn and intestinal distress so bad he has to get a fucking colostomy.
The dirty tricks that Rove pulled on Ann Richards when Bush ran against her for governor are beyond despicable, and hearing the news of that great lady's passing tonight makes me hate that little pig-faced motherfucker even more.
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:21 PM
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1. Yeah, Ann, go tell that ******bleep**** what you think of him .. |
while he's trying to go to sleep at his house.
Tell him you can see all now.
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:21 PM
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2. I hope she can do multiple haunts... |
I'd love to have our little emperor seeing her every night in his dreams - and the senior Bush criminal as well.
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:22 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
5. But remember Rove hired exorcist LOL |
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:29 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
8. Those Rove-hired exorcists can't do the job LOL |
Edited on Wed Sep-13-06 10:30 PM by StopThePendulum
And here's why.
Just look in the Bible. One passage reads, "Can Satan cast out Satan?" Or an updated version: Can the devil kick God to the curb? I don't think so.
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:35 PM
Response to Reply #8 |
11. Your right he and Bush would of been gone |
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:22 PM
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3. that was the only way bush* could win texas at the time |
he stole texas as sure as texas is big
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:28 PM
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:22 PM
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4. he would actually need a heart to be haunted |
that guy is as cold as they come
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:28 PM
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6. An angel. I still remember the "George Bush was born with a silver |
Edited on Wed Sep-13-06 10:31 PM by bluerum
foot in his mouth" line.
on edit: foot for spoon - duh!
Catherine Vincent
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:30 PM
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9. He's posting junk like this on freerepublic: |
Poor Ann, she couldn't help herself, she was born with a tumor in her esophagus. 157 posted on 09/13/2006 8:22:32 PM PDT by maineman
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:31 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
10. Fuck those evil pieces of shit. |
Bunch of mouth-breathing, bed-wetting wankers. Cowards all, and SO un-American. Fuck them all with a big sharp stick.
Catherine Vincent
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:38 PM
Response to Reply #10 |
12. In fairness, most of them are sympathetic. |
But two responses to that post says that we say stuff like that here on DU. Yeah, whatever.
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:40 PM
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13. He needs a conscience first of all, and second of all I hope she |
never has to think about that piece of shit again!
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:47 PM
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14. Hopefully the Chimperor won't request that he (bush) be included in |
Edited on Wed Sep-13-06 10:49 PM by oasis
the memorial services. Please Mr. Bush, no.
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:56 PM
Response to Reply #14 |
15. I don't think he has the balls to try to show up for that. n/t |
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Wed Sep-13-06 10:59 PM
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16. She certainly owes him |
If there were a way I don't doubt she'd put the fear of democracy in him, just for sport.
Zomby Woof
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Wed Sep-13-06 11:03 PM
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And Z-Recommended.
You have my kind of fire in the belly, Shakespeare! :hug:
RIP, Governor Richards! You will not be forgotten.
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