Thanks! This is in response to a letter in my local newspaper (The Hartford Courant) and inspired by the excellent response from NYCGirl in my thread from last night>>>
It seems Calvin Hulstein got the widely circulated Republican Talking Point on Al Gore being a hypocrite for living in a big house, as his is at least the third letter citing the USA Today piece by Peter Schweitzer to appear in area newspapers in the past week. It certainly made the rounds on the talk radio circuit, and on CNN and Fox.
Unfortunately, the op-ed piece got all of its facts incorrect. Gore does take advantage of his utility’s green power options, pays for all his own personal carbon offsets, receives no money from a zinc mine on his property, which shut down in 2003 and has no stock in Occidental. Schweitzer also neglects to mention that the Hoover Institution for which he works is funded by Exxon. I am sure Limbaugh, and his fellow babbling heads, will all be rushing to issue corrections.
Al Gore has dedicated many thousands of hours over many years trying to raise awareness on global warming. His book, his movie and his new TV channel, Current TV, are all carbon neutral. While not perfect, Gore is certainly not the hypocrite Schweitzer is for not disclosing his agenda.