Edited on Thu Sep-14-06 12:46 PM by Fighting Irish
Sarcasm intended there, but freepers are nuts. Anyone read the comments on the ThinkProgress AAR article yesterday? Toward the end, nothing but cut-and-paste wingnut nonsense, most of it nonsense ranting. I got an email the other day from some wacko who sent out some nonsense to every lefty blog/message board/site he could proclaiming us all (in about 30 or so unintelligible paragraphs) 'traitors' (I'm sure quite a few of you may have gotten that email!).
Freepers are losers with no lives. And for some reason, since they're too chickenshit to fight the war they so strongly support, think of themselves as keyboard commandos fighting the good fight from the safety and comfort of home. And they think the only way to do it is to squash free speech.
And boy, do they love to do insignificant stuff, like freeping polls. They even clear out their cookies and caches just to vote multiple times! :wtf: Yes, they are losers.
Granted, this may sound a little hypocritical, because what are we doing? But I'd like to imagine that we're at least trying to solve and discuss the world's problems in a slightly more reasoned way, instead of just calling anyone we disagree with 'traitors'.
My advice about calling for 'DUing' of polls is to do it in a more discreet way. Freepers are obsessed with DU and anything that contradicts their narrow-minded view of the world. And we all know of the various sites and boards out there set up just to monitor DU (which means they really don't have a life!). When calling attention to polls that need to be DU'ed, do it in a sneakier fashion, with headlines like "CNN Poll: XXXXXXX" instead of "DU THIS CNN POLL!!!!!". See what I mean? Or just use the IM feature. Otherwise, it's like carrying water uphill.