The first rule in life is: cherish your friends and your family as if your life depended on it...because it does. Number two: Love people more than things. You know those T-shirts that say, "He who has the most toys when he dies wins." I'm going to promise you that over the years I've spent my life collecting a great number of things I thought I was going to die if I didn't have. And I wouldn't give you a nickel for most of it today.
Number three: Indulge the fool in you. Encourage the clown and the laughter that is inside of you. You know? Go ahead and do it. Make time now for play, for the impractical, for the absurd, and make it a rule to do it. Not just every now and then. Let your heart overrule your head once in a while. Never turn down a new experience unless it's law or it's going to get you in real serious trouble. Number four: Don't spend a lot of time worrying about your failures. I've learned a whole lot more from my mistakes than from all of my successes.
And number five: Have some sense about work. No one ever died muttering, "I wish I had spent more time at the office."
From her 1994 Commencement address at Mt Holyoke.