A lobbying group dialed the wrong number when its automated telephone system called John Vanderlippe. The Nashville, Indiana, man sued other companies that violate the state's law against automated phone calls.
He recorded the call from a group supporting Republican Congressman Mike Sodrel that slams Sodrel's Democratic challenger, Baron Hill.
Vanderlippe told the Indiana Democratic Party about the call, and the party filed a complaint with the state Attorney General's office. The AG's office will investigate the complaint, the second it's received this election season.
A spokeswoman for Sodrel campaign says they know nothing about the group that sponsored the call, the Economic Freedom Fund.
http://www.14wfie.com/Global/story.asp?S=5408559&nav=3w6ofor those who do not know the Economic Freedom Fund:
The man who bankrolled the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth just put $5 million behind a new 527 this campaign, according to new FEC filings.
Although only a month old, the "Economic Freedom Fund" has already been very active, dropping half a million bucks on negative TV ads against Democratic incumbents Reps. Alan Mollohan (D-WV) and Jim Marshall (D-GA).
Bob Perry the millionaire homebuilder from Houston, Texas behind EFF, has some of the deepest pockets in the GOP. He dumped nearly $8.1 million into 527 organizations in the 2004 elections, most of which ($4.45 million) went to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, where he was the single largest donor. Perry also donated $3 million to Progress for America Voter Fund, a so-called "527" group that raised more than $38 million that cycle.