Edited on Thu Sep-14-06 09:31 PM by Wetzelbill
So just who is Bill McCoy anyway?
Bill McCoy is a homeless guy I know. Loud. Bellicose. Belligerent. He has a large bushy mustache and is prone to listening to Right-Wing talk radio, whose points he ignorantly reiterates with alcolic fury, regardless of truth or accuracy.
Yes, Bill McCoy looks and sounds a lot like John Bolton.
I figure since Bolton is not likely to be nominated to embarass our country at the U.N. anymore, the Bush administration might as well somebody who couldn't do any worse. With a little grooming from Mr. Bolton, Bill McCoy could totally be that man.
Now the problem is, well, Bill is actually a pretty smart guy. He even has a college degree, he just happens to have a few demons, battling the bottle and listening to RW radio, to name a few. But in my friend Bill's defense, being homeless and all he doesn't own a television nor does he have any light to read books or anything like that at night or in the evenings. All he has is his radio.
And, nothing will drive you to drinking faster than having to listen to THE BIG GIANT HEAD BILL O'REILLY every night.
He's also a Vietnam veteran. His actual willingness to fight for our country and not soil himself at the thought of combat certainly would not ingratiate him to the Bush administration.
So once Bill is out of his element, and actually is able to digest any working knowledge of foreign affairs and how diplomacy and the real world works, he is sure to be more competent than Herr Bolton and the other ideologues in this administration.
But until then, Bill McCoy could be just the guy.
No way he could embarass this country anymore than Bolton and the rest of this administration already has.