--and partial transcript.
http://www.truthdig.com/interview/audio/20060912_kucinichs_on_lebanon/to listen to the 45-minute interview.
Below is an edited partial transcript:
Robert Scheer: Elizabeth, maybe you could bring in some of your own background. You’ve been in devastated areas … why don’t you tell us something about what you did before you met the congressman and married him—what your reactions were in Lebanon.
Elizabeth Kucinich: Well, I first really wanted to come to America after I took my final exam for my master’s degree, which is in international conflict analysis. My final exam was on conflict resolution in world politics, and I walked into the exam, took the exam, and when I walked out I saw the World Trade Center buildings exploding on the television. … I really felt that that was a time to try and bring some kind of energy of reconciliation with the world and people and try and bring humanity back to itself. So being with Dennis on this trip was a great privilege—to meet with all of these people.