We need someone who is willing to lay it out before the American People, in all its shoddy glory.
Someone who doesn't mince words...calls it like s/he sees it. We've had enough pussy-footing, and arguing as to the meaning of 'is.' (It still cracks me up that he did that...Bill Clinton, if nothing else, is a consumate politician).
I notice Howard Dean hasn't said anything controversial for a while. Must be keeping his head down as the elections draw near.
All the threads about Ann Richards has made it pretty clear that America appreciates a straight-shooter. There's something to be said for someone who can disarm an opponent with a well-turned phrase.
One of the things that got Bush so much support initially is because he APPEARED to be a straight-up guy. Not to me, of course--the man may as well have had the word "phony" tattooed across his forehead.
Oh, please. Rich bastard like Shrub, with a former President for a father? He has as much in common with a regular guy as a F-16 has with a kite.
We need someone with a sharp tongue and a sense of humor, and the habit of speaking his/her mind. Someone who doesn't need to boost his or her ego and is willing to tell the truth to the American People without worrying about getting slammed. Or, even better, the ability to retaliate clearly and cleverly.
Our next Presidential candidate, in my opinion, should have as many of these traits as anyone we can find. We need a "give 'em hell, Harry," or a little man with a big stick. Someone for whom the establishment isn't some kind of sacred cow and isn't afraid to face their bullying tactics with a smile and a perfectly timed riposte.
I know people like that are out there. I've met them. We've had people like that as candidates before. THESE are the people we need out there sparring with the Repugs.
We all get SO pissed off when a Dem speaks the truth and is allowed to be bullied into apologizing. I could have screamed when Dick Durbin was forced to apologize for what he said about Gitmo. Maybe it's time we chose people who don't feel a need to be nice. Someone who will call them on their hypocrisy right out of the gate.
Imagine if, instead of apologizing, he just stared them down and replied. "Truth hurts, doesn't it? I'm not going to lie to you or the American people just so you can feel better about the stupid things you've allowed to happen on your watch."
Wasn't it Harry Reid who called Bush a loser and a liar? And then, in apology, retracted the "loser" portion of the insult?
THAT'S what I'm talking about. Political nerve.
As much as the Republicans scream about Dems showing spine, I believe that the People appreciate it. And, in the end, it could make all the difference against a mealy mouthed turd like McCain, or a hypocrital gasbag like Newt.
Don't play nice. Don't try to play fair.
Or am I expecting too much?