.....That if this is WWIII, we need to do much more, and Bush is not doing enough. He addressed some of your questions in his 9/11 speech. Too bad the byline says “Gingrich” and not Clarke, Clinton or Berger, b/c some of the points, though scary, are correct, and there needs to be more consideration and debate from both sides of the aisle. He’s identified some real problems, and proposed some solutions (even if poor ones, unrealistic, misguided). But there can be no debate about better solutions or any solutions if there’s no real discussion of the problem by our leaders.
http://www.aei.org/publications/pubID.24891,filter.all/pub_detail.asp(Quoting from the Speech):
President Bush……..must choose. His strategies are not wrong, but they are failing. And they are failing for three reasons.
1. They do not define the scale of the emerging World War III, between the West and the forces of militant Islam, and so they do not outline how difficult the challenge is and how big the effort will have to be.
2. They do not define victory in this larger war as our goal, and so the energy, resources and intensity needed to win cannot be mobilized.
3. They do not establish clear metrics of achievement and then replace leaders, bureaucrats and bureaucracies as needed to achieve those goals.”
We must confront the reality that we are not where we wanted to be nor where we need to be. We have not stopped the recruitment of young fanatics into terrorism. We have not stopped either the Iranian or North Korean nuclear programs. We do not have a stable democratic Pakistan capable of securing its own nuclear weapons. Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq is stable and secure. The United Nations is unreformed and we have failed to convince the people of America and of our fellow democracies of the correctness and necessity of what we are doing. We have vastly more to do than we have even begun to imagine.
Are our enemies prepared to kill us?
---the London Telegraph reports that “a husband and wife arrested in the British terror raids allegedly planned to take their six-month-old baby on a mid-air suicide mission.” Imagine an enemy willing to kill their own six-month old baby as long as we die too. It is the very horror which makes it difficult for most civilized people to understand the depth of our enemies’ ferocity.
---Iranian television on October 28, 2005 broadcast an animated movie for children designed to recruit them to be suicide bombers. Imagine a society which believes that indoctrinating ten year olds in the joys of martyrdom is a positive action. That is the kind of enemy we face.
Pakistan has a lot of nuclear weapons and while the current dictatorship is favorable to the United States there is a very strong extremist component of Pakistani society and……nuclear weapons could eventually be transferred from Pakistan to other states or to terrorists.
Our enemies have to be seen in a global context. It is fundamentally misleading to try to isolate Afghanistan without understanding the role of sanctuaries in northwest Pakistan. It is misleading to try to understand Iraq without understanding the role of resources, sanctuaries and leadership in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria. It is impossible to understand the role of Hezbollah in South Lebanon without examining the resources and support from Iran and Syria. Hugo Chavez has been in more than a dozen countries in the last few months. He is actively seeking an anti-American seat on the UN Security Council. He and Ahmadinejad of Iran will jointly be in Cuba for the meeting of the 116 nations of the “Non-Aligned Movement”. There is growing collaboration among our enemies and we have to design global responses to defeat that collaboration. Unless we see the global patterns in the terrorist efforts and the collaboration among the anti-American dictatorships we cannot appreciate how great the threat is and how large the challenge of achieving victory will be.
Consider some recent statements for their clarity, boldness and directness.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
“To those who doubt, to those who ask is it possible, or those who do not believe, I say accomplishment of a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible.<2>
“Such people are using words like ‘it’s not possible’. They say how could we have a world without America and Zionism? But you know well that this slogan and goal can be achieved and can definitely be realized.<3>
Hassan Abbassi, Revolutionary Guards Intelligence Advisor to the Iranian President
“We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization…. we must make use of everything we have at hand to strike at this front by means of our suicide operations or by means of our missiles. There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West. We have already spied on these sites, and we know how we are going to attack them.<8>
Iraqi Ayatollah Ahmad Husseini
“If the objective circumstances materialize, and subjective there are soldiers, weapons, and money - even if this means using biological, chemical, and bacterial weapons - we will conquer the world, so that "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah" will be triumphant over the domes of Moscow, Washington, and Paris.<11>
Much of our elite and much of our news media simply do not accept that we are at great risk……given that free societies tend naturally toward a Katrina mentality of doing nothing until it happens, one morning we will wake up to another day like the ‘day that changed everything.’
The American people do not yet believe their cities and their own lives are at risk. They do not believe that anything truly horrifying could happen. For the moment the terrorist threat has become an ‘over there’ problem which only impinges on our lives when we go through security at an airport. The success……in stopping further terrorist attacks after 9/11 has made it possible for people to relax and ignore the threat.
we have a young British- born man of Pakistani origin sitting in front of a television screen saying I will go and kill innocent people because of the oppression of Muslims, when he has been brought up in a country that has given him complete religious freedom and full democratic rights and actually a very good job and standard of living. Now, that warped mind has grown out of a global movement based on a perversion of Islam which we have to confront, and we have to confront it globally……you can't beat it simply by security or military means. This is an ideological battle..
In Iraq
The number one metric for stopping violent opposition is the number of unemployed young males. Our number one goal should be an all out effort to revitalize the Iraqi economy in the next six months. One step would be a White House conference on purchasing where very large corporations would be asked to begin purchasing modest amounts of light manufacturing from Iraq. This step alone could lead to a 20% improvement in the economy. A second step would be to create an Iraqi Civil Conservation Corps and an Iraqi Works Projects Administration and simply get young men working
Four hundred years ago next May the first people who spoke English and believed their rights came from God landed in Jamestown. For four hundred years we have been extending their values and concepts across a continent and to people of every background speaking every language. We are on the edge of an era of scientific change which will enable the most entrepreneurial country in the world to have an explosion of new productivity, new solutions, new health, and new freedom. We owe it to those who worked and fought for freedom, safety and prosperity in the past and to our parents and grandparents who did so much for our lives. We owe it to our children and grandchildren who deserve an even safer, freer and more prosperous American future.
We owe it to our own self respect. We who love life and revere freedom will defeat those who love death and seek dictatorship. We have done it before. We will do it again.
(END of Excerpts)
There’s no official WWIII declared by the US or the West.
But there has been a one-sided WWIII declaration by the Muslim radicals. Whether it remains that way probably depends on how our leaders and the public reacts when we get hit with an attack that kills the greater portion of a major city(ies).