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Do the neocons have the Dems by the short and curlies too?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
JohnyCanuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-15-06 10:44 AM
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Do the neocons have the Dems by the short and curlies too?
Certainly seems that way.

Pentagon concludes US defeated in key Iraqi province
By Bill Van Auken
14 September 2006


Last Saturday, the Democrats’ 2004 presidential candidate, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, delivered a speech denouncing the Bush administration for a “stand-still-and-lose strategy” and demanding that it send another 5,000 troops to Afghanistan to suppress mounting opposition to the US occupation in that country.

Kerry went on to call for the “redeployment” of US troops presently occupying Iraq, making it clear that Washington’s attempt to subjugate the oil-rich country should not be ended, but merely reorganized along more rational lines. The occupation would continue, according to Kerry’s proposal, with a “residual force to complete the training” of Iraqi security forces and “deter foreign intervention.” In other words, tens of thousands of American troops would remain to secure US domination of Iraq.

Former US President Bill Clinton sounded a similar note in a speech to a Jewish charity last week, declaring, “We need more troops.” He added, “We can’t practice hit-and-run democracy.”

The New York Times Wednesday quoted Democratic political strategist Jim Jordan as saying that, in the 2006 midterm elections, “it’s better for the party if we are defining ourselves as muscular and ready to defend the country.”

Underlying this electoral strategy is the commitment of both major parties to continued global militarism aimed at imposing US economic and political hegemony. In its search for “muscularity” and its call for “more troops,” the Democrats are positioning themselves to be the party that brings back the draft and launches American imperialism into new and even more terrible wars.

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JohnyCanuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-15-06 02:56 PM
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1. kick n/t
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skip fox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-15-06 03:08 PM
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While the White House and its minions (as on Fox News) push the War on Terror as a way of framing (i.e., "hiding") the Iraq issue for the election, we need people to bring it back out of hiding.

Here's one basic approach (I'm sure there are many others):

"Republicans and the administration don't want to run on the mess they made in Iraq, so like a magician they try to distract our attention by covering it under the umbrella of 'A War on Terror,' thereby hiding their blunders from the conception to the execution of the war, from WMD's and Sadam-terrorist's links to the civil war which is now in full progress. It's a GIANT SHELL GAME dreamed up by Rove. We need solutions, not PR tricks or a magician's slight of hand."

Why can't we frame a message simply and compellingly in order to bounce these jokers. Almost all of the important facts are on our side, especially since the Republicians and the administration has been such an obvious failure by almost all standards?
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