Edited on Fri Sep-15-06 01:49 PM by LeftHander
Second row, dead center...I met his good friend Ray.
I've held off writing or reporting on the interview contents out of respect for the way Oprah handled the interview and it took some time digest it. But I now want to offer some insight pre-broadcast.
And NO I am not being paid to or was I asked to do so.
(ironic...here I am talking about TV...if you have seen my posts about TV you know my head is exploding...really I have had a headache for two days now.)
Here goes...
Oprah conducted for the most part a excellent interview. It was candid, with just enough challenge to keep it interesting and illicit some very frank responses from McGreevey. They did not shy away from McGreevey's sordid sexual past.
McGreevey explained his situation, answered some very tough questions...some answers were a bit soundbite-ish...others were clearly a extreme struggle for him to discuss, tears filling his eyes and face going flush and he shifted in his chair nervously. Oprah too knew she had a scoop and was equally as animated. We also met his partner Mark O'DOnnell, and he sat next to McGreevey in the third and fourth segments.
First off...McGreevey is selling a book. So the interview was conducted by him to promote the book. First and foremost. At least that is the feeling I got...Oprah did a good job of allowing that part but she also took it to other places....some expected some not...
Secondly....McGreevey I feel took careful steps to damage the character of the man whom he had an affair with. I thought that was a bit below board. And given McGreevey admission of his anonymous sexual habits I felt that he is is not telling the full truth about his relationship with Golan Cipel.
Some of the items he discussed and that are in the book are indeed quite shocking. I don't want to be a spoiler...because McGreevey really left nothing back in writing this book...
All I can say there are many aspects of Jim McGreevey's "confession" that are admirable, but it is also tainted with very dark and sexual irresponsibility and dysfunction that comes with living a life that was a lie. That alone will be too much for people to handle. As a person who also recently has "come out" sex talk in the gay community is quite frank, free and explicit and is many times beyond what would be permissible on a daytime talk show. I know, I myself have had trouble adjusting to the talk so casually bantered about in the gay community. I still blush and look at the floor.
Probably most interesting is the duality of life he led. He explained it quite well and admitted there were even moments where that policy positions as Gov. were tainted by his desire to maintain his heterosexual facade. Specifics are in the interview...and reveal the extent that hiding ones sexuality does to your thought processes. I call it the gay filter. - "Does this make me appear gay." You run everything through this filter, until it becomes sub-conscious.
McGreevey did get in many "sound bites" that were reminiscent of his political past. However the most telling moment was when his lover Mark joined him on stage. McGreevey's face relaxed, they quickly embraced and kissed on Oprah's stage. As they talked about their relationship one thing was very clear, they are in love and happy. McGreevey gathered strength and confidence by resting his hand subconsciously on Mark's knee as the interview continued. Mark sat quietly looking at Jim...he was there for Jim...and that was genuine.
All in all I highly suggest seeing this interview and reading his book. It truly represents the way that the world is changing. I admire McGreevey's courage to do the right thing and remove the facade of lies swirling around one after a lifetime in the closet. Closeted gays in denial need to come out and accept the truth of ones self and society needs to support that disclosure.
It will be up to you to determine if any lies are left...and how you feel about James McGreevey. He still has lots of luggage to hump around, pending legal issues from Cipel and his wife and a book to sell. He has damaged a lot of people and they need to time to heal and realize that thoguh he is responsible for that, they can ulitamtle find a new relationship from the ashes.
I feel after this book tour is done he will fade into the life that he always dreamed of. A loving relationship, open and honest with the person he truly loves as the person he was born to be. Political ambition and drive pales in comparison to loving someone, being there for them and being true to yourself. I could easily see that Mark and James...are in love and want nothing more than to get McGeevey's baggage put away and settle into a quiet and very wealthy gay lifestyle.
McGreevey has found that his true self can now emerge, secrets, lies and dishonesty are no longer needed. It just takes time to let the false image fade away. I cannot condemn the man for his pre-disclosure life because that man was false and no longer exists. What is left is a gay man sorting out the damage caused by a life of lies. Eventually it will all be behind him.
I support James McGreevey, the new Gay American, as the days move forward.