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Manufacturers now process your produce right in the fields - "in the dirt"

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
kurth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-15-06 04:03 PM
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Manufacturers now process your produce right in the fields - "in the dirt"
Friday, Sep. 15, 2006
How a Deadly Strain of E Coli Bacteria Could Have Found its Way into Spinach
A food safety expert says it likely came from processing the produce right in the fields, a practice that's become much more common

When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to consumers on Thursday about E coli contamination in bagged spinach, it didn't come as a surprise to Michael Doyle. So far, 50 people have fallen ill and one death has been connected to the dangerous E coli 0157:H7 bacterial infection, and the director of food safety at the University of Georgia says that outbreaks like this one will only continue if produce manufacturers don't change their practices.

E coli 0157 is a particularly nasty strain of the E coli that lives and thrives in our digestive tract. Animals such as cows tolerate 0157 far better than people, and often shed the bacteria in their feces. The bacteria can then infect crops such as lettuce, spinach, onions, or even apples when contaminated manure is used as fertilizer, or when contaminated water is used to irrigate fields. Most recently, E coli 0157 found in bagged salads packaged by Dole sickened over two dozen people in 2005.

These outbreaks, warns Doyle, are an inevitable byproduct of the way that many fruit and vegetable manufacturers have streamlined their production — and cut costs — by doing some of the processing of their ready-to-eat produce right in the fields, and not in the more controlled atmosphere of a factory. He sees it as a dangerous practice that could contribute to contamination." Two to three years ago, I was asked to go out and view what was going on in the fields when there was an outbreak associated with a fast food restaurant chain from their cut-up lettuce," he told TIME." Every company at the time was using the same concept to process head lettuce — they would core the lettuce in the field, remove the outside leaves, and put it in chlorinated water. The goal is to reduce costs, because you don't have to take the waste from the factory and bring it back to the field. The problem is, they are working out in the dirt. There are so many different ways that E coli can get into the food this way."

The FDA's director of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Dr. Robert Brackett, recognizes the riskiness of such processing in the field, and sent a warning letter to the California growers that had provided the contaminated lettuce in last year's outbreak, noting that" claims that 'we cannot take action until we know the cause' are unacceptable."...,8816,1535476,00.html

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fasttense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-15-06 04:29 PM
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1. But it is faster and costs less, who cares if some people die from it?
The corporation can make more profit by using unsanitary conditions and that is the rule of this country.
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AndyA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-15-06 04:30 PM
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2. And here our government is relaxing regulations on food labeling.
I wonder how many more will get sick and/or die before regulations that govern how food is processed, handled, and labeled will become more stingent?

As long as Bush and the GOP are in power, if it cuts costs for corporations, to hell with the sick people. Let them die, we can always make more.
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cornermouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-15-06 05:00 PM
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3. Even more interesting.
The fact that they appear to have no idea who grew it, where it was grown and picked, or which company bagged it for store shelves and are completely unable to track it down. That leads one to wonder which consumer protection laws they dismantled and when they dismantled it. They used to know this information pre-Bush...

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