Mister Bush, your demand for clarity has already been answered:

In The State Of Clear, Hubbard defines clear as:
A thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time. <...> In Clearing you move the being up to where he is at Cause over mental MEST. A clear has erased the matter, energy, space and time connected to the thing called MIND. He has been cleared of the MASS, PICTURES, etc. It is a negative gain. <...> Clear occurs when one stops mocking up bank, or realizes he is doing it.
Hubbard states that merely knowing what the cognition is does not have the effect of realizing it for oneself:
Now, we've known for a long time that a thetan made up his own bank (reactive mind), but telling him so didn't get him over it. And we've just found out again that telling him so didn't get him over it, too. Even when he's almost Clear. We say, "Hey, you're mocking it up," and he'd say, "Hey, am I mocking it up? Yeah, I am mocking it up." And he'll go Clear — pshew! — and he goes off that bottom step that isn't there, you know? And he's got to go back on and finish it up the way he should. It's got to be his cognition. Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture # 434, 26 July 1966