Plot stirs concerns, denials
Fox spokesperson Rubén Aguilar dropped a bombshell at his daily morning news conference, announcing that the president´s last-minute decision to forego his Zócalo grito came as a result of a security scare tied to López Obrador´s electoral Coalición por el Bien de Todos, or Coalition for the Good of All, which consists of his Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), the Labor Party (PT) and the Convergence Party.
Like an emotional farewell at the end of summer camp, López Obrador used his Friday speech to bring to a close his movement´s occupation of the capital´s central plaza Friday after four dozen days of tent-living, political rallies, informational seminars, traffic detours, marathon chess sessions and daily controversy.
"I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart," the former Mexico City mayor and Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) presidential candidate told his supporters in the Zócalo, cleared of the makeshift tents in anticipation of Friday night´s Independence Eve celebrations. "Even when one is strong and ready to confront adversity for his ideals and convictions, there are difficult moments, and some sadness. Being with all of you is a renovation of hope, and of joy."
López Obrador will be on the same Zócalo stage Saturday evening, closing the afternoon´s grassroots National Democratic Convention, which will kick off a permanent civil resistance organization and/or shadow government comprised of López Obrador supporters and others opposed to Felipe Calderón.Encinas is also scheduled to deliver the annual "state of the Federal District" address to the capital´s legislative assembly (ALDF) Sunday. Afterwards, Encinas said, he will give an informal address to a crowd that is expected to gather outside the assembly chambers at the corner of Donceles and Bolívar. of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador hold a banner that reads, 'Fox : traitor to democracy' as they celebrate in the 'Zocalo' main square during the commemoration of Mexico's Independence Day in Mexico City September 15, 2006.