“…chose their own political security rather than our national security and followed george bu$h into the wrong war (Iraq) - and then they lost that war”...
I’ll add that that while the Republic Party has been busily fighting the wrong war for power, profit and political gain, the REAL war (on terrorism) has become more deadly than ever. The debacle in Iraq has naught but created more Anti-American sentiment — and more terrorists — hellbent on destroying the US. It has exacerbated the problem.
During the Clinton years, The Republic Party’s #1 concern was getting BILL CLINTON, not getting the terrorists. They spent millions of taxpayer dollars investigating Clinton’s sex life, rather than spending it on investigating terrorists and terrorist plots. The Republic Party’s #2 priority during the Clinton years was gaining and protecting corporate profit and their own political butts.
What has changed since bu$h was appointed is that their #2 priority is now #1 and terrorism isn’t even on the list.
The first things George bu$h did after he was appointed was shove through tax cuts for the rich, begin planning how to invade and occupy Iraq to get at the oil, toss all the programs and legislation Bill Clinton had in place to monitor and stop terrorism on a daily and weekly basis, close the Office of Women’s Initiatives, scrap the US Commission on National Security 21st Century’s (aka, the Hart-Rudman Commission) recommendations on terrorism, and go on vacation.
Since 9-11, the Republic Party wants you to let Osama binLaden decide who you should vote for. He’s their favorite boogeyman, waved in front of the faces of Americans, to get them to vote Republic(an). In light of the Republic Party’s agenda and record since then, it is unimaginable why anyone would - unless they’re simply not aware, and many sheeple in our nation are not. They are content to rely on whatever crap the lamestream media shovels down their throats, to be regurgitated later amongst themselves in soundbites and chain letters and out-of-context propaganda. They are content to let the spectre of Osama binLaden, still remarkably on the loose, decide who they should vote for. And this HAS to be the absolute epitome of ignorance and irony.
I don’t believe people who support the Republic Party are stupid. I do think they are ignorant. And, I think they choose to be oblivious to, or misinformed or misled about so many things. And, when people - thousands of them - die or are placed in greater danger of dying (or being terrorized, maimed or tortured) because other people choose to be ignornant and support despotic regimes for whatever reason, then I think that’s a big problem, not to mention outright immoral. To put this in proper perspective, it’s immoral on a much larger scale than a blow job from a big-haired intern who isn’t your wife.
But, proper perspective and priorities seem to be something the Republic Party and their supporters seem to constantly have problems dealing with. And because of that, we all pay. Some of us more dearly than others.