It's all too clear to me now after just finishing a healthy debate with a Freeper (libertarian-leaning) business associate.
The Democrats need a book.
A book full of ideas, plans, strategies, dictums, amendments, ideas, charts, studies, etc. A big thick book that looks like a text book.
A book that can be carried everywhere by every party member, and plopped down with great force in front of the MSM like Matthews, Hannity, Russert, on the floor of the House, the Senate, at news conferences, at campaign events, in front of the opponents.
A bible, if you will, full of the Democratic plans for the new millennium. Not a metaphorical book, but a bound paper book.
It may be a cheap tactic, you say, using a prop to get our message out, but it shuts down the right wing talking point "The Democrats have no ideas..."
"Bullshit" I say, "if you haven't read it yet you should, because this is our plan."
Dr. Dean, we need a book, not door hangars (they don't make noise when you throw them down on a talking head's news desk.)
And with this great book, we might actually be able to bridge our own divides, learn from each other, and grow together as a country.