To me, it is simple.
This fragmented We vs. They stuff started with Reagan and his handlers. Create "evil liberals" who are responsible for all of this stuff. Afterall, this is partially an astrology group... Reagan utilized the fear of the Cancer country (timid, scared, tender) and through the ABUSE of Nancy's astrologer guided Ronnie to hide when the planets were active and act when the planets were dead. Exact opposite of how one should use astrological advice.
His wife being a Cancer of course wanted him safe. My contention is that teflon-Ronnie used astrology much, much, more than anyone will ever know. His ducking when the planets were active gave him his stick-proof surface.
9/11 has taught us that two big oceans and two timid, weak neighbors no longer suffice as a firm outer shell (Cancer crab) to protect us.
Answer: blame EVERYTHING on Democrats/liberals. Own/buy the media. Scare everybody. Bush is an A-hole but his handlers know how to continue to wave the mythical "US is the greatest flag - support our troops".
Just like I give advice to my Cancer clients, and they don't usually listen because it's just too threatening: Come out of your shell (U.S.) and face what's really happening in the real world. This is really coming forefront now with the recent Saturn opposition to Neptune.
The real shame of all of this is that still, the clueless Democrats still don't know how to combat this, organize, and effectively come up with someone to run in the next election.
We will learn from this one, and I believe that it will really be a painful lesson. Thank God, truly, for groups like this who are lifting their collective heads out of the sand.
I don't know whatever happened to the "United" in the "United States."