---- I wish I had been smarter in the 3rd grade. Oh, I made A's and B's ... but I didn't yet have a clue as to human nature and, in 1959, that was not unusual for 3rd-graders, I suppose. So I kept my mouth shut.
---- But I clearly recall that there were two little girls in that class,.. Patty and Christine,... they sat side-by-side off to my left, and not only were they inseparable friends, but they were the classroom moralists, as well. Anytime anything occurred that was in any way shy of the ideal, regimented 3rd-grade classroom culture,... say for example that some hapless kid farts, or doesn't have his homework,... they would signal the event with a practiced ritual. They would clap their hands over their mouths and say, "A-Lordy,".... with long, lingering emphasis on the second syllable. It came out like, "Ah-Lorrrrrrrrrrdy." Got that image? I sure did. Their little singsong expressions of sanctimonious shock were the icing on the cake of incrimination.
---- Well, this little ritual popped up all the goddamned time. I even inspired it a couple of times, myself (I once recklessly saw fit to correct the teacher's grammar) And of course, "A'Lordy" moments happen to 3rd-grade kids all the time. They get sick in class,.. they lose stuff,.. they forget their lunch money,.. and in every instance, the exasperated sigh of our teacher (the ungrammatical Miss Ferguson) would be accompanied by Patty and Christine's little chorus. "Ah-Lorrrrrrrdy." They were like the soundtrack to disaster or something,.. and in a way, I feared them.
---- Then one day it happened. The little sanctimonious dashboard buzzers known as Patty and Christine got their ultimate opportunity. A burly little redneck kid named Darryl (Yes, goddamn it,. he was a redneck and his name was Darryl,.. I'm not making this up, Ok?)... whew,... anyway,... this little redneck kid Darryl slipped and took a fairly bad fall on the sidewalk outside the classroom. We were "marching" back from recess. Darryl said "Damn," and he said it rather loudly. All the other kids were aghast. In 1959, third-graders most assuredly did not say "damn." And needless to say, there were Patty and Christine,.. ready with an extra-special, extra-breathless rendition of their one-word editorial.
---- "Ah-Lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdy!!!" Darryl picked himself up off the sidewalk and sneered defiantly at the two little girls. And he was about to turn away and walk on when,... I think it was Patty,... not to be deprived by unrequited moralism, blurted out, "Say it again."
---- Yes, this is a true little story,... pretty inconsequential in the giant scheme of things. But I think back to it often these days when I consider the nature of much of the political opposition to the neo-nazis running the White House. Patty and Christine would not fare very well against them, eh? How about the DU?
---- We all want to feel correct, empowered and vindicated whenever we can. But sanctimonious outrage and protest don't win many ballgames. (I like baseball analogies) You can't "A-Lordy" your way into the winner's circle,.. and outrage does not equate to useful, original thought. At some point, you have to stop obsessing about the "right vs. wrong" angle,.. eschew whatever sanctimonious gratification is to be found along the high road,.... and concentrate on scoring some runs for America.
---- It is not difficult to portray the republicans or the neocons as bad,... in fact, it is remarkably easy. But that only gets you to first base.