I picked up a great Heinrich Himmler biography written by Peter Padfield at Barnes and Nobles the other day. It is a monster to say the least, but very intregral into understanding Bush's oh I mean Himmler's motives. Anyway, I get to page 441 where it starts speaking of the Holocaust and the tragedies that Himmler ordered, and I thought to myself "Some of the same things are going on today!". Observe:
The Nazis Would The Americans Do: ---------------- ----------------- *Kill any nationalist movement opposition. Kills any nationalist opposition. Persecute specific religions. Persecutes one specific religion. Tortures both POWS and Civilians Torture both POWs and Civilians Performs painful experiments on own people They're gonna Microwave Us! View Military as Superior to Civilians. Not quite, getting there. Push for a "Superior Race" Americans Rule! Didn't grasp outward decay. It's touching us. Praise their Leader, even though he was nuts. Did you see the news today? Align with Italy and Japan. They know how to pick sides, eh. View all other nations as sub-standard 72% of Americans do not own a passport ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *America kills in other ways than physically. Noticed how everyone as of late is quite?
Please view some of this with sarcasm, and on top of that realize that America IS NOT NAZI GERMANY, so don't whine! There are some striking similarities beginning to manifest in our country, though. It happens to EVERY stinkin country on earth once it reaches maximum power, and America is no different. We are on the verge of a major decision of how we are going to hold on to the America we know, or face adversity the world has been untold.
It's my profound belief that America would pull all but a couple strings if civil unrest began to compound, and we would see what debt we really owed a "free" nation. Keep an unstable man in office, and keep insanity in the land.
If we ever gain a ultra-nationalist president (Hitler, Jr.) he will make Shrubbery, INC. look like the gay tele-tubbie, because America is Fucking crazy like that.
Ok, my controversial topic for the month is finished.