Kucinich, wife of U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Cleveland, has a new haunt and it’s in Elyria.
Kucinich joked that her husband has Tony’s Diner on Cleveland’s West Side, and now she has Donna’s Diner in downtown Elyria.
Mrs. Kucinich stopped in Elyria as she embarked on a series of walks from college to campus to promote “peace, the environment and prosperity.”
She visited Donna’s Diner twice, nibbling on veggie burgers and talking about peace.
And she wasn’t shy about discussing her husband, whom she met while campaigning against the war in Iraq.
She said she knew he was something special when she walked into his Congressional offices.
“I saw a little statute of Gandhi and files and files on the Department of Peace and Iraq, and that was it,” she said.“The second time Dennis and I met we were engaged.”