and the elderly would do better to eat more fruit and veg than take calcium supplements to stave off the bone wasting disease osteoporosis, according to new research.
Youngsters taking such supplements achieve just small improvements in building bone density, which are unlikely to be enough to prevent fractures, say Australian scientists.
Other approaches could be more beneficial such as increasing vitamin D concentrations and eating more fruit and vegetables, add the researchers at the Menzies Research Institute, Tasmania.
Osteoporosis is a major public health problem, particularly in women, and low bone mineral density is an important risk factor for0 fractures.
Musculoskeletal epidemiologist Dr Tania Winzenberg, whose findings are published online by the British medical Journal, said: "The small effect of calcium supplementation on bone mineral density in the upper limb is unlikely to reduce the risk of fracture, either in childhood or later life, to a degree of major public health importance.