Death comes to the men who cleaned up Ground Zero (from the Mail and Guardian Online, Africa's first on-line newspaper) www.mg.co.za
(go to International - North America section) 10 September 2006 07:13 Josephine Damato is not yet a "9/11 widow" but she expects to be all too soon. "The doctors say he is one step from cancer," she says, her slim hand beginning to shake as she reaches out and strokes her husband Mike's wrist. Mike Damato was fit and earning $140 000 a year as a builder until he began working at Ground Zero just hours after hijackers had flown two planes into the World Trade Centre. He is 33, but now has the lungs of an asthmatic in his sixties -- the corrosive dust and toxic air he breathed for months at the disaster site are eating away at his throat and oesophagus.
More than 40 000 people, mostly men, toiled to clear the terrible pile of building, aircraft and human debris from the smouldering rubble. Now those men are beginning to die prematurely from cancers and lung diseases and a report published last week warned that 70% of rescuers, contractors and volunteers at Ground Zero suffered lung damage. Many have died or are dying and others have been told they will be sick for life. "There is going to be a new generation of 9/11 widows -- more than those created by the original attacks," said Marc Bern, a New York lawyer.
"It's scary. I watch Mike sleeping at night, barely breathing and sometimes his chest just stops moving and I think, 'Is this it?'" says Josephine. Many nights he wakes up racked with pain as acid bubbles up from his stomach, burning his chest and throat. And he coughs fit to burst, often going down into the kitchen so as not to disturb the children. "It's like trying to breathe through a straw," he says. His ailments are all too familiar to the thousands of ordinary workers -- not feted as heroes like the firefighters or police -- affected by the toxic dump that is Ground Zero. He used to play basketball and jog. "I used to run two or three miles. Now I have trouble walking up two flights of stairs." He is on six different prescription medicines.
In Mike Damato's medical records, doctors confirm his illnesses are due to exposure to Ground Zero toxins. The caustic erosion of his oesophagus is at a pre-cancerous stage. He worked on the "bucket brigade", passing pails of debris hand to hand. He was told the dust-thick air was safe and never wore a mask to protect him from inhaling microscopic particles of glass, asbestos and other carcinogens. "It was just chaos. We started cleaning the New York Stock Exchange because that had to be open. There were pieces of the planes. There were body parts, we found fingers," he says.