From Robert Greenwald - thought we could help.
Dear activists, colleagues and friends,
Halliburton is starting to attack, and now we're taking the fight to
Washington to impact their one and only customer: the U.S. government.
I'm about to get on a flight to DC for a press conference tomorrow at
11am with two of the Halliburton/KBR truck drivers and Senator Dorgan,
followed by hearings on war profiteering at 2, and the DC movie premiere
at 7.
We are amazed that they openly admit to not seeing the film, and then
proceed to attack it because they can "deduce" its content! I kid you
not. Maybe they can deduce what happened to the billions they
They accused us of being "privately funded," which is their pathetic
effort to smear the 3,006 of you who contributed to make the film happen!
Perfect for a corporation where the head guy, David Lesar, one of THE
top war profiteers, made over $40 million.
They attack us for getting the facts wrong, with no mention of any
facts we got wrong. Then THEY distort the facts -- one of my favorite
being, "By all accounts, KBR's logistical achievements in support of the
troops in Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan have been nothing short of
They cite 411 million meals served, but neglect to mention how many
they overcharged for. They cite 5.85 billion gallons of water, and still
haven't responded on how many gallons were contaminated.
And it goes on and on... read it for yourself if you want a good laugh. think it's time for Halliburton CEO David Lesar to own up, and since
he's not going to do it himself, we will do it for him. Watch this
television ad: fight is going to get tougher, harder, and meaner. The media
attention on the war profiteers is escalating: CBS News, the Washington
Post and the LA Times all featured stories this weekend. The stakes are
significant and Halliburton, CACI, Titan, and Blackwater are all
watching very closely and will do everything possible to secure their profits.
We'll keep you informed of the latest on the movie blog: us get the film out as widely as possible. Email your friends,
post on your blogs, arrange screenings, and show the profiteers that
these patriots WILL NOT BACK DOWN.
Robert Greenwald
P.S. The Senate DPC hearings tomorrow are in 538 Dirksen and are open
to the public. After DC, I will be at premiere screenings in
Philadelphia on Tuesday, St. Louis on Wednesday, Denver on Thursday, and Portland
on Friday. Please come out! Details are here: