Eloriel (1000+ posts)
Fri Oct-22-04 11:41 PM
Original message
THE ONCOMING TSUNAMI -- will you be ready?
Edited on Fri Oct-22-04 11:46 PM by Eloriel
I have been collecting a few links as I see them over the past several days. This election is going to be a nightmare. Seeing all these posts, I'm beginning to think that -- well, it could get really bad.
Voter registration has been unbelievable, in record numbers, and heavily favoring Democrats. Lawyers for both sides are in place all over the country. There are already lawsuits and other conflicts. Vote suppression techniques are in play everywhere, and don't forget the riggable electronic voting machines. Further, despite the binky polls, I think we all have a pretty strong sense that Kerry is ahead, which will only intensify the Bush/Cheney efforts to win at any cost. Remember (as some other DUer who I wish I remembered once said), They didn't steal the 2000 election in order to do good.
And they won't stop at much (or anything?) to steal another. We ARE going to have unbelievable chaos this election. I have no idea how long it will last or where it will end, but I'm beginning to think we ALL really need to wrap our heads around a bunch of different scenarios, and make plans accordingly.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=2528061It's important to remember that in 2004, the pre-election intelligence on election fraud all pointed to another election debacle. Vote suppression, blatant disenfranchisement, legal maneuvering, and outright fraud was all predicted before the election. Eloriel did a fine job of compiling the evidence and trying to warn America of its impending doom.
Again, weeks before the 2006 election, you hear warnings that the election will be rigged. Our system is still blinking red. You are being warned. Don't act shocked when the GOP retains control of both Houses of Congress. Don't act shocked when this election spirals into the fiasco some of us know it's going to be. Some may claim that this is defeatism, that by casting doubt on an election will only hurt turnout, that by even mentioning the truth about the state of our elections will lead to a Republican win this November. To those people, I say, "phooey!".
This is the truth. Our election process is severely flawed. The Pukes have instituted even more laws designed to disenfranchise American citizens. The Pukes have installed even more of these electronic machines that have been PROVED vulnerable. The GOP is still in full control of the media and is able to fix the election debate around which ever policy they believe can offer the appearance of a possible legitimate win. Remember, with the machines, they don't actually have to win the election, they only need excuses as to why it's plausible they could have won. Folks, the system is blinking RED once again and we are not prepared.
On Oct. 22, 2004, John Dean wrote a very prescient article entitled,...
"The Coming Post-Election Chaos:
A Storm Warning of Things to Come If the Vote Is as Close as Expected". (
http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20041022.html )
This next presidential election, on November 2, may be followed by post-election chaos unlike any we've ever known
Look at the swirling, ugly currents currently at work in this conspicuously close race. There is Republicans' history of going negative to win elections. There is Karl Rove's disposition to challenge close elections in post-election brawls. And there is Democrats' (and others) new unwillingness to roll over, as was done in 2000. Finally, look at the fact that a half-dozen lawsuits are in the works in the key states and more are being developed.
This is a climate for trouble. A storm warning is appropriate. In the end, attorneys and legal strategy could prove as important, if not more so, to the outcome of this election as the traditional political strategists and strategy.
Had Kerry decided to fight the bogus results of the 2004 Selection this article may have accurately portrayed the ensuing chaos. However, as the concession was quick and sharply painful, the expected chaos did not materialize. What did materialize was an energized and dedicated group of activists and bloggers hunting for the truth. However, though they have held the torch high, America has still not seen the light.
Come November 8th, after this Selection, Americans need to be ready to resist the urge to "roll over, as was done in 2000", 2002 and 2004. Americans need to stand up and be counted... if we can't be counted by a fair and free election then another way must be found. We need to fight and that fight must start right now. Get "Democrats are a shoe-in" and "We can't lose" out of your head. We can lose and will lose if you believe this election is going to be unlike all the rest in recent history. Accept the fact that our election are crooked and resolve yourself to fight the fight that needs to be fought. Stand up America and help wake up America to the reality we face.
Folks, the system is blinking red. The warning signs are clear and irrefutable. The information on election fraud is readily available and a great many people can give you much more information than I can. Ask for help, look for answers... wake up... question... protest. If you want your country back, it's time to start right now... do not delay, do not wait another minute... another second. Resolve yourself to victory or prepare yourself for defeat.
When I first learned how to type, I had to practice a quote over and over again until I trained my fingers to find home row. My father made me sit at an old mechanical typewriter and peck out this completely meaningless phrase over and over...
"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country..."When I was a child, this phrase held no meaning but now that I am a man, I understand that call...
"Now is the time for all good Americans to come to the aid of their country." Now is the time...
Wake up, rise up and be counted... or don't come crying to me when this prediction becomes a reality. You have been warned... the system is blinking RED.
Now I'm going to ask the true heroes of democracy to fill in the facts behind this call. Lay out the case for reasons to doubt this election... talk about disenfranchisement... talk about machine vulnerabilities... talk about what happened in 2004 and remind people what will happen in 2006 if nothing is done. Provide links, provide information and above all provide a plan of action that others can follow. We can stop this from happening again if we can educate people to the reality of what we face and inspire action. I'm counting on you to help... Wake up, rise up and be counted... Now is the time... The system is blinking Red... Help change it to Blue. Now is the time...
Help make sure we never see another post like this one...
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=2583383Skinner ADMIN Donating Member
Wed Nov-03-04 05:57 PM
Original message
This totally sucks. But we're going to pull through it together.
Edited on Wed Nov-03-04 06:04 PM by Skinner
I honestly never expected that I would be posting this. Even when the campaign was going terribly, I was somehow able to remain optimistic that the American people would do the right thing. I couldn't let myself feel any other way; the alternative was just too depressing to imagine. But It looks like my faith in the wisdom of the American people was misplaced this time.
But I still have faith in the members of DU. This is an amazing group of people. You have been a great source of sanity and support during the last four years. This election loss heralds the beginning of a new era on DU. People are angry and depressed, and rightly so. I fear that things might get pretty ugly on this discussion forum for a while, but I remain confident that we will eventually pull through this, just like we always do.
This is a pretty diverse group of people, and it's clear that people are going to deal with this election defeat in different ways. Some members are going to come to DU looking for a shoulder to cry on. Others are going to come here looking for a fight. Still others may have completely different feelings entirely. We believe that it is understandable and healthy for people to feel angry or sad or whatever. We do not think it is possible for us to force people to deny their feelings right now, and we're not even going to try (except in the most extreme cases). However, it is clear that certain types of emotions do no mix well on a busy message board like this one. We have decided that the only feasible solution is to enforce a segregation between the people who want a shoulder to cry on, and the people who want an ass to kick.
This sucks, but we will get through it. I love this place, and I have great faith in the members here to pull through this.
Hang in there.
David Allen
DU Admin
Never again... Now is the time...