There are two good letters in today's">Stars & Stripes letters. I've excerpted both, with the full text at the hyperlink above.
It's nice to see the second writer, Mr. Carrethers, back in action in the Stripes letter's section. He wrote a">letter back in Oct. 2002 (one of several of his excellent letters) saying the Iraq war was about oil.
Four years later, many Americans still need to be told the obvious. The writer below has provided that service reminder, here:
Face it: it's about oil
If the goal of your selections for">Sept. 10’s letters to the editor was to terrify me by showing the opinions of some of our guys on the ground regarding Islam and our reasons for intervention abroad, then mission accomplished.
These letter writers all seem to really believe that we have gone to war for altruistic reasons. Are you serious! Wars are fought for resource domination and hegemony; why do they think the Bush administration has suddenly bucked the trend that dominates mankind’s history and is sending Americans to their deaths for the benefit of destitute Afghans? Yes, this is about oil; why are we still pretending it’s not?
Where was the Air Force?
I don’t believe the events of Sept. 11 happened the way we have been told, and I do believe our Air Force was set up to be the fall guy. We’re told that amateur pilots (with just a few hours in a flight simulator) expertly flew large airliners at low altitude and more than 500 mph. They then precisely hit multiple targets.
How did they find their targets without the help of ground controllers and Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft like our pilots use? Why couldn’t our planes or radar locate the attackers?
If these amateur pilots were that good, then maybe we should dump all our high-paid Air Force pilots and put some lower-grade airman in flight simulators.