1 in 4 people are sociopaths and ALOT of sociopaths get off on torturing people,emotionally,physically,financially or sexually.Sociopaths contrary to popular mythology are NOT created by childhood abuse. They are an anomaly some think it's genetic or something wrong with their make up..
http://ill-get-there.blogspot.com/2006/07/abuse-myths.htmlIt's empathy that makes us as human as we are, while helping us to manage our most violent feelings.
We don't kill others or ourselves because we still see the human being in others, and ourselves and feel sympathy or caring.
When our sense of connection is gone, then any kind of violence can be unleashed.
People who torture others have lost touch with their own humanity. No longer able to care about themselves, they grow to hate others. Desperate to have any kind of feeling, they torture feelings out of others.
Sociopaths have NO EMPATHY,They DO KNOW right from wrong and do not care..That is WHY they can torture people and sleep at night..
Serial killers frequently have extreme sadistic urges. Ones who lack the ability to empathize with the suffering of others are frequently called psychopathic or sociopathic, terms which have been renamed among professional psychologists as Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Some serial killers engage in torture murder, a loosely defined term involving killing victims slowly over a prolonged period of time. How many of the torturers at Abu Gharib were deliberately selected for the job by the US military? A military that KNOWS the soldiers personality profiles,keeps dossiers on everyone? How many sadists were selected because the military KNEW they WERE sociopaths and liked to torture people?
If you are observant you can detect who's a sociopath by observing his actions ,his lies and history of crimes.
To stop them you must KILL the sociopaths. Don't torture ,don't trap,Don't give them dramas, they will not reform,just kill them quickly for there is not many other options that will stop sociopaths.Killing is giving a torturer much more mercy than he gives his victims. It does not diminish your character to kill a torturer I think .I think it shows you DO have character and you DO care about yourself and protecting others who do not cause harm and their quality of life as well from a dangerous individual with no conscience who will not stop torturing others until they themselves are dead...
Killing isn't evil if it is done quickly with minimal pain,it really isn't.People kill fleas and pests quickly. Animals get euthanized,as did Terry Shiavo who was hurting nobody. Alot of people felt no remorse over Terri. They don't feel remorse over killing spiders..
A sociopath has no CONSCIENCE they are a clear DANGER to humanity and to kids as long as they exist.At some point you have to disregard WHY they got that way and realize they will not change,and DO something.. It's strange because are charismatic,glib,are often attractive,are awake and look alive and appear the same as we look to US. Some People feel shame killing someone who would gleefully torture us to death? But don't feel shame over Terri Shiavio who was hurting nobody and was no danger to anyone. This makes NO sense to me.
I myself would rather die than face torture again.Quality of life matters more than mere existence to me. I think quality of life makes the difference between suicide and contentment in life. Life is or should be more than existing and suffering.20 years of therapy has not taken away the pain and despair and symptoms of PSTD I face everyday.My life has been ruined by sociopath people I have encountered. If they were not alive for so long,maybe I and others would not be in such a mess now.
Torture and its effects do not stop when the victim is safe from the sadistic assholes. Torture keeps on going on inside the person long after the event is passed,and it keeps wounding the person.Trauma scars the brain.It shatters the self and destroys the feeling the world is manageable forever. That is why torture is evil.It destroys a person's perceptions the world is safe or coherent forever.This is why DEATH is preferable to torture IMO. Death is mercy.
To prove this I ask why do
Torturers desperately(to the point of using medical doctors to supervise torture) try to not LET THEIR VICTIMS DIE? They do this for a reason..They do not want to give any mercy to the victim.
TORTURE is evil and WRONG always..Torture is designed to destroy a person and make them live through it..and die slowly from the inside out.
Death is mercy compared to torture.
Torture and the people who do it MUST NOT BE allowed to continue to torture people and get away with it .Torturers must be killed because they don't stop torturing people on their own initiative because they have no empathy or conscience inside them to understand WHY torture is WRONG...Torturers get off on it ,they like it, they make a career of it all to get away with it. they are sociopaths and sociopaths do NOT reform.Sociopaths lack empathy the very component that makes us human..They will cause suffering wherever they go and they will not cease until they are dead. That is reality.