Edited on Tue Sep-19-06 01:29 PM by RestoreGore
This is only part one of my reply to Mr. Gore's speech, because I honestly have some questions and need further explanation of some aspects of it before I can make a judgement on them, preferably regarding his plan for eliminating payroll taxes and substituting it with a carbon tax. I'm wondering how that would effect my contributions from my paycheck to Social Security and unemployment benefits should I become unemployed. I also have questions regarding carbon sequestration in regards to groundwater supplies and costs, and also questions regarding a timeline for all of this, and knowing just how the consumer isn't going to have to bear the brunt of costs for any suggestion undertaken by businesses.
While I do think it was forward thinking, visionary, and passionate in the plea for change alas, unless business, religion, and the grassroots really join together in this all the way the status quo will remain, and as Mr. Gore also stated in his speech, without spiritual and moral will it won't happen. I was hoping he was going to go into more detail about how he believes we are going to change human nature, because to me that is the key ingredient to success with this.
That stated, I had written a while back that the position doesn't make the man, nor does it make a man a leader just to have the word "President" in front of his name. And Al Gore proves that maxim with every speech and every good deed. And for me, this speech was so radical and profound regarding the sweeping changes it asks for from a political, business, and moral standpoint, that it would never be the speech of any political candidate or someone looking to be a political candidate. It was the speech of an environmental visionary who sees that we must now seek radical change from outside the confines of the political world in order to bring it along with us. WE must now be the leader.
On the whole, this speech has laid before us all a chance to begin in earnest the work of preserving our only home for future generations. It calls for responsible stewardship, moral responsibility, and ethical business practices that can produce the greatest results both economically and environmentally if not perverted for selfish gain, corporate coffers, or war chests...
And that of course is where the human nature part comes into play because as good as the intentions of Mr. Gore in relaying these suggestions may be, it in the end depends on the moral will of the majority overriding the greedy will of those with the cash who will once again even with that ten year window closing look for an easy cheap way out.
I responded to only parts of it for now, and was actually a bit disappointed in some of it on second look, especially the idea of doing away with all payroll taxes. I believe we need to face this crisis head on (and would actually be willing to pay an additional bit out of my pay for it,) but we also need Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, roads, bridges, WATER infrastructure, etc. How do you offset that? How do you also monitor corporations so as to know whether or not they are fudging numbers just to avoid paying this carbon tax? Will they be precluded from paying it if they keep within carbon cap limits? Where will that "tax" money go and who will regulate it? Because if they would be precluded from paying it if they met carbon caps, you are going to see MAJOR FRAUD with that in my view, and it will once again be the poor who lose out.
"Scientific American introduces the lead article in its special issue this month with the following sentence: “The debate on global warming is over.”
Many scientists are now warning that we are moving closer to several “tipping points” that could - within as little as 10 years - make it impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to the planet’s habitability for human civilization. In this regard, just a few weeks ago, another group of scientists reported on the unexpectedly rapid increases in the release of carbon and methane emissions from frozen tundra in Siberia, now beginning to thaw because of human caused increases in global temperature. The scientists tell us that the tundra in danger of thawing contains an amount of additional global warming pollution that is equal to the total amount that is already in the earth’s atmosphere. Similarly, earlier this year, yet another team of scientists reported that the previous twelve months saw 32 glacial earthquakes on Greenland between 4.6 and 5.1 on the Richter scale - a disturbing sign that a massive destabilization may now be underway deep within the second largest accumulation of ice on the planet, enough ice to raise sea level 20 feet worldwide if it broke up and slipped into the sea. Each passing day brings yet more evidence that we are now facing a planetary emergency - a climate crisis that demands immediate action to sharply reduce carbon dioxide emissions worldwide in order to turn down the earth’s thermostat and avert catastrophe.
The serious debate over the climate crisis has now moved on to the question of how we can craft emergency solutions in order to avoid this catastrophic damage." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response:
Absolutely 100% agree with all of this. The evidence is in and it is overwhelming. However, for me, the debate has moved on to not only crafting solutions to this problem, it has also moved on to crafting solutions that will not place an unfair burden on the world's poor who do not contribute to this crisis as much as others do. And unfortunately, I do believe a couple of the solutions outlined by Mr. Gore would wind up doing just that in the longrun because people would abuse them, as I will outline below. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"This debate over solutions has been slow to start in earnest not only because some of our leaders still find it more convenient to deny the reality of the crisis, but also because the hard truth for the rest of us is that the maximum that seems politically feasible still falls far short of the minimum that would be effective in solving the crisis. This no-man’s land - or no politician zone Ðfalling between the farthest reaches of political feasibility and the first beginnings of truly effective change is the area that I would like to explore in my speech today.
T. S. Eliot once wrote: Between the idea and the reality, Between the motion and the act Falls the Shadow. ... Between the conception and the creation, Between the emotion and the response Falls the Shadow.
My purpose is not to present a comprehensive and detailed blueprint - for that is a task for our democracy as a whole - but rather to try to shine some light on a pathway through this terra incognita that lies between where we are and where we need to go. Because, if we acknowledge candidly that what we need to do is beyond the limits of our current political capacities, that really is just another way of saying that we have to urgently expand the limits of what is politically possible." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response
From where I sit the political world cannot face this crisis as it needs to be faced because they simply do not have the moral fiber as a whole necessary to carry it out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I have no doubt that we can do precisely that, because having served almost three decades in elected office, I believe I know one thing about America’s political system that some of the pessimists do not: it shares something in common with the climate system; it can appear to move only at a slow pace, but it can also cross a tipping point beyond which it can move with lightning speed. Just as a single tumbling rock can trigger a massive landslide, America has sometimes experienced sudden avalanches of political change that had their beginnings with what first seemed like small changes.
Two weeks ago, Democrats and Republicans joined together in our largest state, California, to pass legally binding sharp reductions in CO2 emissions. 295 American cities have now independently “ratified” and embraced CO2 reductions called for in the Kyoto Treaty. 85 conservative evangelical ministers publicly broke with the Bush-Cheney administration to call for bold action to solve the climate crisis. Business leaders in both political parties have taken significant steps to position their companies as leaders in this struggle and have adopted a policy that not only reduces CO2 but makes their companies zero carbon companies. Many of them have discovered a way to increase profits and productivity by eliminating their contributions to global warming pollution." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response:
Well, this is true, and I suppose California should be commended... however, we have yet to see any results from it. Again, legislation doesn't automatically equal adherence, especially in an election year. Schwarzenegger wants to get re-elected, that's what I see about this. And in seeing the reality of the political world based on its track record especially in the past six years is not being a pessimist. I would dare say that after the coup of 2000 that Americans including Mr. Gore seem to have now swept under the rug, I think it is absolutely warranted to think of the political sphere as nothing more than a pit of amoral vipers who don't do anything unless it benefits their wallets. If I am given proof to the contrary I will change my opinion on that, however, I have yet to see it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Many Americans are now seeing a bright light shining from the far side of this no-man’s land that illuminates not sacrifice and danger, but instead a vision of a bright future that is better for our country in every way - a future with better jobs, a cleaner environment, a more secure nation, and a safer world.
"After all, many Americans are tired of borrowing huge amounts of money from China to buy huge amounts of oil from the Persian Gulf to make huge amounts of pollution that destroys the planet’s climate. Increasingly, Americans believe that we have to change every part of that pattern." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response
Yes we do, so why did millions of them vote for Bush? Why have they put up with this policy for so long even though they suffer because of it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"When I visit port cities like Seattle, New Orleans, or Baltimore, I find massive ships, running low in the water, heavily burdened with foreign cargo or foreign oil arriving by the thousands. These same cargo ships and tankers depart riding high with only ballast water to keep them from rolling over. One-way trade is destructive to our economic future. We send money, electronically, in the opposite direction. But, we can change this by inventing and manufacturing new solutions to stop global warming right here in America. I still believe in good old-fashioned American ingenuity. We need to fill those ships with new products and technologies that we create to turn down the global thermostat. Working together, we can create jobs and stop global warming. But we must begin by winning the first key battle - against inertia and the fear of change."
In order to conquer our fear and walk boldly forward on the path that lies before us, we have to insist on a higher level of honesty in America’s political dialogue. When we make big mistakes in America, it is usually because the people have not been given an honest accounting of the choices before us. It also is often because too many members of both parties who knew better did not have the courage to do better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response
In recent polls 50% of Americans still believe Hussein planned 9.11, and I don't see them insisting for anything. I truly wish I could share Mr. Gore's optimism regarding the American people as a whole, but I don't. Sixty five million of them thought Bush was still the better choice in 2004. And I bet if he ran again people would still vote for him despite the lies. And again, it is wonderful to create technologies and products that will advance sustainability globally, but how do developing countries in debt afford them? How do we if we are poor? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Our children have a right to hold us to a higher standard when their future - indeed the future of all human civilization - is hanging in the balance. They deserve better than the spectacle of censorship of the best scientific evidence about the truth of our situation and harassment of honest scientists who are trying to warn us about the looming catastrophe. They deserve better than politicians who sit on their hands and do nothing to confront the greatest challenge that humankind has ever faced - even as the danger bears down on us.
We in the United States of America have a particularly important responsibility, after all, because the world still regards us - in spite of our recent moral lapses - as the natural leader of the community of nations. Simply put, in order for the world to respond urgently to the climate crisis, the United States must lead the way. No other nation can." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response
Moral "lapses" actually doesn't quite cut it for me. To claim it was a moral "lapse" to torture people means you had morals to begin with. There is no going back from what the Bush regime did and is still doing regarding our nation's soul, and there is no "our" involved in that. I had no moral lapse, and neither did many of those who these amoral cretins think they speak and act for. I truly expected better than this regarding Bush and their amoral behavior from Mr. Gore. He surely appears to have softened since his February 2002 speech when he screamed that Bush betrayed this country. And in order for this country to lead on the climate crisis our national image must be repaired because much of this world no longer sees us as a helping hand, but a clenched fist looking to control the entire Middle East by force keeping us in a perpetual war that will ultimately bring this economy down. Call for John Bolton to be rejected as UN Ambassador as a start and maybe then we can talk about mending those "moral lapses." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Developing countries like China and India have gained their own understanding of how threatening the climate crisis is to them, but they will never find the political will to make the necessary changes in their growing economies unless and until the United States leads the way. Our natural role is to be the pace car in the race to stop global warming.
So, what would a responsible approach to the climate crisis look like if we had one in America?
Well, first of all, we should start by immediately freezing CO2 emissions and then beginning sharp reductions. Merely engaging in high-minded debates about theoretical future reductions while continuing to steadily increase emissions represents a self-delusional and reckless approach. In some ways, that approach is worse than doing nothing at all, because it lulls the gullible into thinking that something is actually being done when in fact it is not. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response:
Good idea, but who regulates it? Some government agency? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
An immediate freeze has the virtue of being clear, simple, and easy to understand. It can attract support across partisan lines as a logical starting point for the more difficult work that lies ahead. I remember a quarter century ago when I was the author of a complex nuclear arms control plan to deal with the then rampant arms race between our country and the former Soviet Union. At the time, I was strongly opposed to the nuclear freeze movement, which I saw as simplistic and naive. But, 3/4 of the American people supported it - and as I look back on those years I see more clearly now that the outpouring of public support for that very simple and clear mandate changed the political landscape and made it possible for more detailed and sophisticated proposals to eventually be adopted.
When the politicians are paralyzed in the face of a great threat, our nation needs a popular movement, a rallying cry, a standard, a mandate that is broadly supported on a bipartisan basis.
A responsible approach to solving this crisis would also involve joining the rest of the global economy in playing by the rules of the world treaty that reduces global warming pollution by authorizing the trading of emissions within a global cap.
At present, the global system for carbon emissions trading is embodied in the Kyoto Treaty. It drives reductions in CO2 and helps many countries that are a part of the treaty to find the most efficient ways to meet their targets for reductions. It is true that not all countries are yet on track to meet their targets, but the first targets don’t have to be met until 2008 and the largest and most important reductions typically take longer than the near term in any case.
The absence of the United States from the treaty means that 25% of the world economy is now missing. It is like filling a bucket with a large hole in the bottom. When the United States eventually joins the rest of the world community in making this system operate well, the global market for carbon emissions will become a highly efficient closed system and every corporate board of directors on earth will have a fiduciary duty to manage and reduce CO2 emissions in order to protect shareholder value.
Many American businesses that operate in other countries already have to abide by the Kyoto Treaty anyway, and unsurprisingly, they are the companies that have been most eager to adopt these new principles here at home as well. The United States and Australia are the only two countries in the developed world that have not yet ratified the Kyoto Treaty. Since the Treaty has been so demonized in America’s internal debate, it is difficult to imagine the current Senate finding a way to ratify it. But the United States should immediately join the discussion that is now underway on the new tougher treaty that will soon be completed. We should plan to accelerate its adoption and phase it in more quickly than is presently planned.
Third, a responsible approach to solutions would avoid the mistake of trying to find a single magic “silver bullet” and recognize that the answer will involve what Bill McKibben has called “silver-buckshot” - numerous important solutions, all of which are hard, but no one of which is by itself the full answer for our problem.
One of the most productive approaches to the “multiple solutions” needed is a road-map designed by two Princeton professors, Rob Socolow and Steven Pacala, which breaks down the overall problem into more manageable parts. Socolow and Pacala have identified 15 or 20 building blocks (or “wedges”) that can be used to solve our problem effectively - even if we only use 7 or 8 of them. I am among the many who have found this approach useful as a way to structure a discussion of the choices before us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response
I believe the Kyoto Treaty is a great start, but that we do need a tougher treaty with ASIAN countries signing on as well. The U.S of course must lead on this, but again, how is it justified now in the longrun with China growing economically stronger, becoming more industrialised, and engaging in building coal burning plants and putting more automobiles on its roads that stand to negate our progress? I then say that any American companies that do business in China or any country that doesn't sign onto the toughter treaty should then be penalized for it on top of any "carbon tax." But good luck trying to pass ANYTHING in this Congress that actually penalizes corporations...which brings us right back to square one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Over the next year, I intend to convene an ongoing broad-based discussion of solutions that will involve leaders from government, science, business, labor, agriculture, grass-roots activists, faith communities and others.
I am convinced that it is possible to build an effective consensus in the United States and in the world at large on the most effective approaches to solve the climate crisis. Many of those solutions will be found in the building blocks that currently structure so many discussions. But I am also certain that some of the most powerful solutions will lie beyond our current categories of building blocks and “wedges.” Our secret strength in America has always been our capacity for vision. “Make no little plans,” one of our most famous architects said over a century ago, “they have no magic to stir men’s blood.”
I look forward to the deep discussion and debate that lies ahead. But there are already some solutions that seem to stand out as particularly promising:
First, dramatic improvements in the efficiency with which we generate, transport and use energy will almost certainly prove to be the single biggest source of sharp reductions in global warming pollution. Because pollution has been systematically ignored in the old rules of America’s marketplace, there are lots of relatively easy ways to use new and more efficient options to cheaply eliminate it. Since pollution is, after all, waste, business and industry usually become more productive and efficient when they systematically go about reducing pollution. After all, many of the technologies on which we depend are actually so old that they are inherently far less efficient than newer technologies that we haven’t started using. One of the best examples is the internal combustion engine. When scientists calculate the energy content in BTUs of each gallon of gasoline used in a typical car, and then measure the amounts wasted in the car’s routine operation, they find that an incredible 90% of that energy is completely wasted. One engineer, Amory Lovins, has gone farther and calculated the amount of energy that is actually used to move the passenger (excluding the amount of energy used to move the several tons of metal surrounding the passenger) and has found that only 1% of the energy is actually used to move the person. This is more than an arcane calculation, or a parlor trick with arithmetic. These numbers actually illuminate the single biggest opportunity to make our economy more efficient and competitive while sharply reducing global warming pollution.
To take another example, many older factories use obsolete processes that generate prodigious amounts of waste heat that actually has tremendous economic value. By redesigning their processes and capturing all of that waste, they can eliminate huge amounts of global warming pollution while saving billions of dollars at the same time.
When we introduce the right incentives for eliminating pollution and becoming more efficient, many businesses will begin to make greater use of computers and advanced monitoring systems to identify even more opportunities for savings. This is what happened in the computer chip industry when more powerful chips led to better computers, which in turn made it possible to design even more powerful chips, in a virtuous cycle of steady improvement that became known as “Moore’s Law.” We may well see the emergence of a new version of “Moore’s Law” producing steadily higher levels of energy efficiency at steadily lower cost. ~~~~~~~ Response:
Well, we need to see a "Moore's Law" regarding streamlining automobiles that are lighter but stronger. They would get better mileage while costing less to produce. The savings could then be passed on in corporations that produce such vehicles by working towards carbon caps, or passing it on to the consumer. That I like, but again, what of the price to the consumer? Just because it costs less for a company to produce something doesn't mean it will automatically pass that savings on to the consumer in lieu of using the savings to make an even bigger profit to offset less cost in production. And we absolutely need plug-in hybrid cars and solar photovoltaic cars at some point in my opinion, and cars that get that 80 miles to the gallon scientists have said we have the capacity to produce, until such other methods are available. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Small windmills and photovoltaic solar cells distributed widely throughout the electricity grid would sharply reduce CO2 emissions and at the same time increase our energy security. Likewise, widely dispersed ethanol and biodiesel production facilities would shift our transportation fuel stocks to renewable forms of energy while making us less dependent on and vulnerable to disruptions in the supply of expensive crude oil from the Persian Gulf, Venezuela and Nigeria, all of which are extremely unreliable sources upon which to base our future economic vitality. It would also make us less vulnerable to the impact of a category 5 hurricane hitting coastal refineries or to a terrorist attack on ports or key parts of our current energy infrastructure.
Just as a robust information economy was triggered by the introduction of the Internet, a dynamic new renewable energy economy can be stimulated by the development of an “electranet,” or smart grid, that allows individual homeowners and business-owners anywhere in America to use their own renewable sources of energy to sell electricity into the grid when they have a surplus and purchase it from the grid when they don’t. The same electranet could give homeowners and business-owners accurate and powerful tools with which to precisely measure how much energy they are using where and when, and identify opportunities for eliminating unnecessary costs and wasteful usage patterns. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Response
For me solar energy is the wave of the future, and we have not even scratched the surface of what we could do with it. I like the idea of an "electranet", but again, who would regulate it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I will have another response to his speech, specifically regarding carbon sequestration. This is such a voluminous meaty speech, that one can't possibly respond to it all in one response. And even though I don't necessarily agree with one or two of the points made by Mr. Gore in it, there is no doubt that this speech was written with sincerity and passion which is why I wish to respond to it.