,2933,214240,00.htmlBOB BECKEL, GUEST CO-HOST: Actor Sean Penn took aim at President Bush in a television interview, suggesting Bush may bring fascism to America. Penn also charged that Bush has, quote, "devastated our democracy and has done enormous damage to this country and mankind."
Joining us now is radio talk show host Stephanie Miller and Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez.
Leslie, it's not the best use of words, to be sure, but what is it about this administration and Republicans? Every time anyone says even a little thing bad about George Bush, you all get excited. What's the deal? It's a free country. You say what you want.
LESLIE SANCHEZ, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: Bob, I think the only thing you and I are going to agree on tonight is that this is one big publicity stunt on the behalf of Sean Penn.
I mean, isn't the guy that played Spicoli in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"? And wasn't he stoned during most of those history classes? I really find it hard to believe that this is an honest observation of what's happening in America. And I cannot take this seriously. I don't think anybody can.
BECKEL: We can — we can try. And by the way, I do think he was stoned, but anyway let me — let me ask — well, I don't know that. Sorry, I don't want to get sued here.
But let me ask Stephanie. Stephanie, what's your take on this? Do you think he was trying to get publicity or do you think it's sort of a statement he believes in, and that's free speech and why should everybody give — put the heat on?
STEPHANIE MILLER, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Bob, first of all, let me give you two a little tip out here from Hollywood. He's an actor. He was acting in "Fast Times." He wasn't really stoned.
BECKEL: Oh, no.
MILLER: A little tip from the left coast.
BECKEL: Oh, man.