What really bugs me about our side, our Democratic leaders, is that most of them are too polite to Caligula, too timid, too concerned about re-election and keeping their cushy jobs, too easy going against tyranny, too calm in the crisis.
We have only a handful of Democratic leaders with sand enough to go on the bushmedia and tell the truth, regardless, openly and unashamed, but even they are speaking in relaxed tones when they should be screaming at the top of their lungs.
Do you know what I mean? Its hard to put into words, but I just wish they'd fight harder against these maniacs before its too late. I want to see more Murthas, and Conyers, and Waters and Clelands and I want to hear more volume, as in righteous outrage.
We the Democratic voters are just along for the ride while we wish and pray and hope that our leaders will get mad and get busy and get serious. I want to see a RADICAL change in our approach, radical in the sense of opposing the maniacs radically, instead of gently and politely. I'm not talking about going postal, just radical.