How is it such dribble even flies? How many educated people listen and regurgitate without ever really thinking about what is being said?
The terrorists hate us for our freedoms? Do they hate themselves for the freedoms they have? Many of the alleged terrorists of 9/11, had studied abroad at multiple higher learning institutes. They were furthering their education in aviation. They had lived in several countries. They had cell phones, atm cards, drivers licenses, and incomes of some sort. I'm am fairly certain they could read. They probably spoke more than one language. How were they not free?
These young men had more means an opportunity than a large percentage of their American counterparts.
Terrorism is an industry which raises capital, as any other. Oppressed people are not handing over their piggy banks. Obviously, those who invest in terrorism is expecting a return on their investment. The rank and file low guy, is the rank and file low guy. They are taught to hate their enemy. However, without the investors (seeking a return on their investment), there would be no command structure to continue to train more cannon fodder.
It makes no sense to me, if you were wanting to eradicate terrorism, why you would unleash an offensive on the pawns.
It seems so apparent to me, yet when I hear so many people, in so many positions, which in essence much more educated and knowledgeable than I, I wonder if I'm just crazy.