...In no particular order, but to be completed in first 90 days.
1- End all no-bid contracts for companies providing troop support. 2- Disqualify all companies from bidding on troop support contracts which have a principal place of business in the Caymans, Bahamas, or outside the US, which permits them to avoid paying US taxes on the contract money received. 3- Subpoena the officers of all no-bid contractor companies to testify before Congress, and require them to bring complete records of accounting for all money received and services and equipment provided. Subpoena government officials which okayed the expenditures to testify. 4- Subpoena Pentagon Brass to testify before Congress as to the state of affairs on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. 5- Subpoena the NeoCon cabal members in the Office of Special Plans and the new Iranian Directorate to testify before Congress. 6- Subpoena the President to testify before Congress regarding his approval of secret prisons, torture, eavesdropping on American citizens, his knowledge of false statements regarding intelligence that led to the invasion of Iraq, his family relations to Saudi Arabia royal family members, etc.(THis list could go on and on). 7- Immediately preserve all voting ballots and records in this country from year 2000 and thereafter. 8- Open investigation of Abramoff and corruption in government, track the money and demand production of records related to transfers of money. 9- Open new investigation of 911 with issuance of subpoenoes for production of documents and witnesses. 10- Immediately pass a bill that requires every 'K-Street' entity to immediately disclose a full and complete accounting of all money, jobs, largess of any kind given to members of both parties since 2000, and then subpoena the officers to testify about the pressure put on them to shut out Democrats or suffer from the Republican Administration. 11- Require the immediate publication of every Executive Order signed by the President, and every Presidential signing statement issued in conjunction with the signing of legislation. 12- Open an immediate investigation of all Electronic Voting Machine Companies, issue subpoenoes for their officers, and require them to fully and completely disclose their financial dealings since 2000. 13- Outlaw "free speech zones" and restore the right to petition government and exercise free speech. 14- Open a new investigation of the intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq, issuing subpoenoes for Bush, Cheney, Rove, and the Head of Congressional Intelligence Committees previously charged with this responsibility who essentially protected and delayed investigation and reporting of the results relating to this issue. 15- Immediately begin crafting legislation to reinstate corporate taxes to the Clinton Era level, and provide tax relief for middle and lower income taxpayers. Restore taxation on passive investment income, and restore the obligation of all corporations to fully fund their pension plans. 16- Immediately pass legislation which will cancel Medicare Part D, and make all pharmaceutical purchases fully covered under Medicare Part B, and specifically provide that the US Government negotiate bulk discount rates and allow American citizens to purchase drugs from Canada which will be fully reimbursable under standard major medical insurance policies. 17- Immediately freeze 1/2 of all oil and energy liquid assets in the United States, and open an investigation of manipulation of oil, electricity and energy prices in this country over the last ten(10) years. 18- Immediately pass legislation which sets a maximum interest rate that can be charged to any US citizen at 18%, and prohibit the imposing of multiple fees for any single transaction that causes an accountholder to exceed their available credit or account balance. 19- Immediately pass legislation which restores government regulation of air and water pollution to the Clinton Era levels. 20- Immediately pass legislation which restores regulation and breakup of the MSM sources, and prohibits multiple ownership of various media outlets in the same market. 21- Subpoena Chertoff to testify and fully investigate the financial dealings of the Office of Homeland SEcurity, and investigate the failure to secure this country from attack. 22- Open an investigation of the failure of the government to plan for and meet the needs of those affected by Hurricane Katrina. 23- Immediately pass legislation which opens the papers of all presidents to the public, and specifically open the papers of George W. Bush sealed inside a presidential library.
This would be a good start....