I cannot believe how racially insensitive the bloggers at FDL have been acting. Long-time blogger Ampersand highlights some of their posts:
Unfortunately, a couple of white bloggers at Firedoglake (one of whom was at the Clinton luncheon) are determined to demonstrate how clueless and annoying white liberals can be when discussing racism. Christy Smith’s post explains that we shouldn’t talk about inclusion of people of color because it “misses the larger picture” and threatens “to take our eye off the real work.” I’m sure that all bloggers of color are grateful to have white liberal bloggers like Christy letting them know what’s in “the larger picture” and what “the real work” is; without her to correct them, they might mistakenly believe that inclusion is part of the the big picture, and is real work.
But Christy’s post is a NAACP meeting compared to her co-blogger T-Rex’s drivel. You see, in Liza’s post on Culture Kitchen, she crticized Jane (another Firedoglake blogger) for posting a racist blackface image and for lack of support for bloggers of color.2 T-Rex responded by literally telling Liza not to insult her betters:
So, Liza, dear, before you go assailing your betters and making Jane stand in for every blond white woman who ever pissed you off, maybe you should head back to eighth grade English and, you know, learn to spell and to write in a linear fashion. Although judging from your other posts that I read, mediocrity may be a chronic condition for you.
T-Rex later demonstrated that he’s a liar or an idiot by claiming to not have known that slapping down a woman of color for criticizing the race politics of her “betters” might be construed as having “racial baggage.” (By the way, Liza’s post was well-written and organized; all that fuss about “eighth grade English” appears to be because Liza misspelled the word “privileged.” I’m sure no blogger on Firedoglake has ever misspelled a word.)
Read the whole thing: