, an Elk Grove Village reader, writes, regarding the efforts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to resist the Bush administration's attempt to redefine the Geneva Convention:
"Will someone in the press please ask Powell or McCain if the Geneva Convention covers out-of-uniform terrorists from unknown nations? Will the press ask what defines torture? The next time a Muslim cuts off a head or shoots a nun in the back will Powell and McCain cry foul that the Geneva Convention was not followed?"
Answers to your questions:
1. As a matter of fact, it does.
2. No civilized nation in the world for two generations has had serious trouble defining torture or outrages against human dignity until now, for some reason.
3. Such acts are, as is well known, condemned by Powell, McCain and any other fully evolved humans.
Now a question:
Shouldn't we want to be better than the enemy we are fighting?