It's a British-made documentary in which seven volunteers agree to be subjected to the treatment Guantanamo detainees received, based on documents, memos, detainee accounts and the U.S. "torture" handbook. I watched it last night on the Sundance Channel - it was truly disturbing. If you get a chance to see it, you should, but it's not any easy hour to get through.
In an inspired melding of investigative journalism and the reality-TV format, Tim Carter's British documentary provides a disturbing demonstration of the conditions and coercive methods used by American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay. For four days, seven volunteers agree to submit themselves to techniques believed used at the prison. "The clearest impression yet of what it might be like ... an impeccable exercise in liberal journalism: its revelatory intentions are more serious than many TV news bulletins" — Guardian.Here's a link to the Sundance Channel page for the film. You can watch a clip of it from the page: