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US vs. Iran (II) Hybrid War: Abbas Bakhtiar

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
teryang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-19-06 11:48 PM
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US vs. Iran (II) Hybrid War: Abbas Bakhtiar

Got this link off Counterpunch today. This PDF is a comprehensive evaluation of the Iranian order of battle, the state of its military industrial complex, its strategic plans, and its battle plans.

It's something that every American should read. The author starts out with a quote from Von Clauswitz which I edit here:

"...for the political view is the object, War is the means,

and the means must always include the object in our conception."

It's over 80 pages with a lot of technical information but gives a good understanding what conflict with this nation will probably involve. In the conclusion, one realizes that attacking Iran with nukes might be likely because defeating them conventionally is going to take a level of mobilization that most Americans and the Pentagon are completely unprepared for. Given the size of their unconventional forces and the vulnerability of our supply lines and the vital infrastructure in the region, attacking these people would never achieve our intended goals, allegedly non-proliferation. Just read the analysis at the beginning and at the very end if you don't get interested in their innovative weapons technology and tactics. The Israelis just experienced a taste of this with Hezbollah in Lebanon. It's a good thing the Iranians are not helping the insurgents in Iraq or if they are, they aren't giving them much of what they have to work with.

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teryang Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 12:12 AM
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1. My thumbnail of the article- it is long.
The US assisted Saddam Hussein in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Iranians. In their war for survival Iran understood exactly who their enemies were. So they have developed a "hybrid" strategy of defense for the expected US attack in the future. Hezbollah's successful defense of its position in south Lebanon against Israel is a foreshadowing of the new Iranian capabilities to wage an unconventional offensive against US forces and interests. The Iranians insist that their strategy is defensive and will not in any instance be used offensively. However in the event of a strike, they plan to survive and go on the offensive.

The Iranians have developed within the limits of their resource base an independent arms industry, effective tactics, and respectable military technology. Attacking this country would be insane. I now know why any US plan contemplates using "tactical nukes." Iran is virtually self sufficient in a military sense, the decades long embargo has strengthened rather than weakened them. They are not dependent on outside nations for their military capabilities.

The Iranians are a significant "regional power" on the way to becoming a formidable military power in the future. Their proximity to the vital infrastructure of the Gulf region, gives them the ability to project harm around the world economically. They have assembled and outfitted and trained probably the largest and most effective unconventional forces seen since Vietnam. Trying to intimidate and coerce this regime is a foolish effort.
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leftchick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 05:05 AM
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2. so we nuke them before they nuke us?
Is that going to be the neocon rational? I really, Really don't think the surrounding countries are going to like having nukes used so close to their borders. The radiation coming from just a few tactical nukes would linger and spread for hundreds of miles.

This is truly insanity. Please tell me they won't do it. :(
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