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Anyone remember "Why We Went In: Version 10.0" by PJ Crowley?

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Bozita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 12:22 AM
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Anyone remember "Why We Went In: Version 10.0" by PJ Crowley?
If you've dealt with system and software upgrades, this piece has greater meaniing.

Why We Went In: Version 10.0

by P.J. Crowley and Robert O. Boorstin
March 19, 2004

In the year since the invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration has repeatedly shifted its justification for going to war and constantly changed its story on intelligence, the United Nations, reconstruction, political transition and the cost to the American taxpayer. More than anything, the administration's war in Iraq resembles a software program that, at first, works brilliantly, but then catches the user in a cycle of "fatal error" messages.

Here then, in Silicon Valley terms, is a review of the Bush administration's year in Iraq:

Saddam Hussein poses an 'imminent threat' to the American people.

* Version 1.0 - Saddam Hussein is an imminent threat
* Version 1.01 - Saddam Hussein is a gathering threat
* Version 1.02 - Saddam Hussein poses a real and dangerous threat
* Version 1.1 - The smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud
* Version 1.2 - We can't afford to wait
* Version 1.3 - We never said imminent
* Version 1.3.1 - OK, maybe we did say it once or twice
* Version 1.4 - We should have been more precise

Saddam Hussein is ready to use weapons of mass destruction.

* Version 2.1 - Saddam has weapons of mass destruction
* Version 2.2 - Saddam has nuclear weapons
* Version 2.3 - Saddam has biological agents he's never accounted for
* Version 2.3.1 - The trailers are mobile labs for producing chemical weapons
* Version 2.3.2 - Unmanned aircraft are ready to spread Saddam's biological weapons
* Version 2.4 - Saddam's going to make more of all these weapons
* Version 2.5 - We all know where the weapons are
* Version 2.5.1 - Well, Saddam has used weapons of mass destruction
* Version 2.5.2 - Iraq is a big country. We'll find the weapons eventually.
* Version 2.5.3 - Saddam had weapons of mass destruction programs
* Version 2.5.4 - Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction program related activities"
* Version 2.5.5 - David Kay? Who's David Kay?
* Version 2.6 - It's not about misleading the American people - Saddam Hussein is gone and that's the most important thing

The intelligence is clear.

* Version 3.0 - We based our statements on our available intelligence
* Version 3.1 - Saddam tried to buy uranium ore in Niger
* Version 3.1.2 - Well, that was what the British told us
* Version 3.1.3 - Did we tell you about Joe Wilson's wife?
* Version 3.1.4 - Do you know a good lawyer?
* Version 3.2 - The intelligence is absolutely clear
* Version 3.2.1 - Intelligence is never 100 percent certain
* Version 3.2.2 - We didn't manipulate the intelligence
* Version 3.3 - There was no consensus within the intelligence community
* Version 3.3.1 - We saw the same intelligence the last Administration did

Saddam Hussein has deep ties to al Qaeda.

* Version 4.0 - Saddam has long-standing ties to al Qaeda
* Version 4.0.1 - You can't distinguish between Saddam and al Qaeda
* Version 4.0.2 - There is an al Qaeda terrorist network in Iraq
* Version 4.0.3 - Saddam has provided al Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training.
* Version 4.0.4 - Saddam will give his weapons to al Qaeda
* Version 4.0.5 - Colin Powell: I have not seen smoking-gun, concrete evidence about the connection
* Version 4.0.6 - Vice President Cheney: I still believe there's a connection.
* Version 4.0.7 - CIA Director George Tenet: I told Dick not to say that.

more, lots more...

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MadMaddie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 12:26 AM
Response to Original message
1. Thanks for's right on....
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tech3149 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 12:38 AM
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2. You've gotta laugh or you'll end up
crying all day. They can deflect responsibility better than any pre-teen I've ever known.
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symbolman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 02:39 AM
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3. I remember this, been looking for it for a long time
as I recall it was a kid writing a term paper or thesis or some such and they NAILED IT, amazing and all true - I remember that I saved it as a pdf when I first saw it, thought it would be good to use in a Flash attack ad at some point..

thanks for sharing, this is great stuff -- send it to Olbermann, I think he'd appreciate it as well :)
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Bozita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 10:27 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Seems perfect for Flash
Just add pics and music.

Do it, Symbolman!
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symbolman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 08:15 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Wish I had TIME
sheesh, there's so little of me and so much NASTY out there!

Right now I'm working on an environmental book, about my adventures flying in choppers in the wilds of the tundra (even crashing) to help protect the ANWR as well as change the image of "tree huggers", etc --

Even have some Hollywood interest in it and it's not even done yet! So maybe I can make some money (all my free flash work has kept us from starving, but not much else, tho I'm proud to have helped in anyway I can) - get to become an environmental activist who can actually make THINGS HAPPEN on a larger scale..

Wouldn't it be cool for a DU'R to actually write a book that gets turned into a Hollywood Film about environmentalism and shows everywhere?

I know *I*'d like that :)

Maybe that young gal on the DU that does Flash work can tackle this, I heard she's great at it :)

Thanks for thinking of me, and I enjoy all your posts
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Bozita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 04:24 PM
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5. kick
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