And two days afterward, his notice to register for selective service came in the mail.
That’s right. The U.S. government still has selective service. The U.S. government still has the system in place and operating. The U.S. government still has a massive database of millions of yours, and your children’s names, addresses, social security card numbers, and phone numbers.
I think, for lurking freeper types, and for the people that have been starting, or invading thread, after thread, after thread here; and do nothing but parrot the corporate media’s talking points about how “the evil Iran menace must be stopped,” I should repeat that:
The U.S. government has in place, and has had in place for years, a massive functional database of millions of yours, and your children’s names, addresses, social security card numbers, and phone numbers.
This is not a fucking game people. This is not a glorified pissing contest of who’s views and opinions are right or wrong. This is about everyday people like you and I, that will be affected directly, and indirectly should the United States choose to preemptively invade yet ANOTHER sovereign nation, on the flimsiest of excuses, without a coalition, and against the attitude of 90 percent of the rest of the world. Add to the equation, that our military is screwed right now. They just do not have the manpower to stay in Iraq and man the permanent military bases that are being constructed there, while launching an offensive against a country that has a very large and established military, and infrastructure.
The United States currently has military bases in over 130 countries, including one of our enemies-Cuba. Like the Roman Empire before it’s decline, we are everywhere, and in everyone’s business.
Bechtel, Halliburton, GE, SAIC, Northrop Grumman; just to name a few, are raking in record profits. Since 2005, global military spending has shot to a record high. The United States accounts for nearly half of that total. That is half of the total that the ENTIRE WORLD SPENDS on their military. Are you willing to put your children, or yourself, on the front lines of a whole new war to maintain this type of a status-quo?
Iran has no nukes. It has been established by a vast majority of those in the scientific community that they are at the LEAST 10 years away from producing a functional nuke. They have a loudmouth and a braggart for a leader. They also have the political clout, and positioning to establish an Iranian run Shiite theocracy in Iraq.
What they also have, and what the powers in the White House are being conspicuously silent about though, is just as devastating. They currently have economic and military backing from China and Russia. They also have a very able and well manned military. The type of situation that would make the current quagmire in Iraq seem like a Sunday picnic to any of our troops that are ordered to be there. This is also the same type of situation which was also the economic beginning of the end for the Soviet Union.
Think long and hard about jumping on the “we have to invade Iran” bandwagon. If we do, you are going to directly be part of it whether you know it or not.