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I got stuck watching a local dog and pony abc station last night

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
catmandu57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 11:46 AM
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I got stuck watching a local dog and pony abc station last night
It was my mother in laws birthday, so we went to her house for cake and ice cream. While we were there they had the local dog and pony abc station's newscast on, these people are scary, scary ass crazy bat shit nutz.

During the newscast we were bombarded by they want to kill us part 2, scarier and far more graphic than the first part, every five minutes they went to a commercial break and that led off LOUD.
The sound came up on its own like crazy Larry selling cars.

Then there were commercials for local reptilian candidates and notalent for the Senate. I would say they were full of lies, but they stretched and spun just enough to give themselves an air of credibility.

One of the reasons these people are so scary is that they're an old station that came into being when television was new, and many people in this area are still without cable or satellite, but, can pick these assholes up off of their antenna, and many older people watch it out of habit.

Also, they tilt really far to the right, I'm surprised it isn't a faux affiliate. I watched my mil's live in boyfriend when they were catapulting the propaganda, he looked like he was buying the message, even though he should be a natural born democrat, the good news there is he's not very likely to vote this year unless these assholes scare him enough, they probably run that god damned commercial thirty times a day.

The best thing I've heard about this station is that when everything goes hi def they're going to pull the plug on it.
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 12:09 PM
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1. You think that's bad? Top this. Our democratic (right)
senator, Ben (Turncoat) Nelson, is campaigning on the fact that he has gotten bush**s 'thanks' on the war on terra issues, etc.

At least you know your enemy. We have Nelson and in order to support the 'party' we're supposed to vote for this asswipe.
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man4allcats Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-20-06 12:36 PM
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2. I didn't see it, but I did watch "Boston Legal."
It was pretty cool. Jerry "Hands" Espenson got busted by vice cops while in bed with a sex therapist recommended to him by Alan who has now decided that he too will start seeing this therapist who in fact had previously treated him for "a problem." Meanwhile, Denny got caught in a closet making it with a life-sized inflatable Shirley "Candice Bergen" Schmidt doll.

Denny Crane!

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