Looks like they have a fund developing to nuetralize these liars. I gave him $25.00-
Thanks to a special matching fund, your response to Republican "Swiftboat-style" attacks can have triple the impact.
Like clockwork, here they come again. According to news reports, Bob Perry, the Texas millionaire who bankrolled the so-called "Swiftboat Veterans for Truth" is up to his old tricks. He's spending $5 million dollars under the radar screen to launch a new GOP attack group called the "Economic Freedom Fund."
Their first attack ads against Democratic House candidates are already on the air. They hope they've caught you sleeping. We have to respond quickly and in force. You have stood up and helped fend off these attacks in the past, and today, the DCCC needs your help once again. Help the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) stand behind Democratic candidates under attack.
Contribute $25, $50, or more right now and your gift goes three times further with the DCCC's Matching Fund.
The Republicans think their attack ads can make America forget their disastrous policy in Iraq. They think their tough-guy posturing can make us forget that their "cut and run" policies in Afghanistan have left Osama bin Laden at large. But, the American people know, deep down in their guts, that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest have failed our nation with their stunning incompetence and their willingness to act in ways that undermine our values.
All the political attacks in the world can't save them. Not if we're willing to stand firmly behind our candidates. If you contribute now, your gift will be matched three-to-one, tripling the impact of your determination to win.
Contribute $25, $50, or more right now and your gift goes three times further with the DCCC's Matching Fund.
Thanks to the commitment of Democratic leaders in the House, your contribution will be matched three-to-one, tripling the impact of your response to Republican attempts to overwhelm our candidates with vicious attacks in the final weeks of this campaign.
I've been campaigning with Democratic candidates all across the country. Believe me, the American people are hearing our message. They want an end to the Bush Administration's failed policies in Iraq. They want to fire the incompetents, end the corruption, and stop the alarming abuses of power.
It's time - way past time - to move America in a new, more promising direction. And you and I have to refuse to let the desperate, deceitful campaign tactics of the Republican front groups get in our way.
Contribute $25, $50, or more right now and your gift goes three times further with the DCCC's Matching Fund.
Believe me, I know what our candidates are going through. And I know how much it will mean to them to know that we're absolutely determined to pull them through to victory. You have supported the DCCC in the past and they need your support once again today.
John Kerry