The Arab killers are not Muslims anymore than American killers are Christians. This is a political and economic war and these wicked leaders are adept at driving wedges between two groups and setting them at each others throats. Are Republicans and Democrats not at each others throats just as virulently? Jesus said that a house divided cannot stand and the powers that be use this to suit their nefarious ends. When Hugo Chavez call George the Devil in the U.N. today, I can understand the rhetoric. Because George does the devils work, how can we discern the difference between him and his master? These evil men prey upon the phobias of the weak and the meek; they force-feed fear to sheep... if the Devil were real, wouldn't he do the same?
You can call Neo-cons Christians if you like but the name denotes those who believe and act according to Christ's teachings. If they do not act as Christ would act... they are not Christians, no matter how many times they proclaim "Jesus is Lord." They water down Christianity and say that all one needs do is proclaim Christ as God and they've got a ticket to heaven. Once that ticket is paid, they believe they can dance on the road to Hell and God will forgive every intentionally evil thing they do as long as they say it's "in the service of God".
It doesn't work that way... no one should call themselves a Christian, it is our neighbors that should bestow that title. If you meet a Christian, you'll know it and proclaim them as such, without them every having to inform you of their faith. Christianity is not a club that one joins or some clique that one is born into... Christ has laid out a path and only those that follow that path have the honor of that title being etched on their soul. Truthfully, I wouldn't consider myself a Christian even though I believe Jesus was truly the Son of God but I'd know one when I saw one. You can't twist every aspect of Christianity on its head so you can claim you can do evil to do Good. That lie has already been debunked by the man himself.
The same thing applies to the sheep who blindly follow the hucksters in the Islamic world. Terrorism only serves a political or economic end... never a religious one. Religion by it's very nature is intended to shield a person from the harshness of this material world, not destroy them in it. It was once described as the opiate of the masses for that very reason. When man first created gods from the things they envisioned in heaven such as the Sun and Moon, Rain and Wind, Earth and Fire, they did so because they sought the comfort of divine shelter from a terrifying force. The same thing holds true today... people seek out religion for comfort and shelter but too often they only find Man pretending to be God. It's by believing in the divinity of Man's word that too often very good souls are led to Man's end.
The people in power are not "Christian" Extremist any more than our enemies are "Islamic" Terrorists. These faiths are being used to set one group against the other and while the fighting is raging, thieves steal the gold from both altars. Muslims and Christians can live peaceably together and by the nature of our faiths, we are beholden to that peace. Tragically however both sides seem to feel quite comfortable snubbing the will of God to serve the lust of Man. If they serve man, they are not serving God but ironically if they serve Mankind, they are serving God... it's when we remove the "kind" that we spoil our relationship with God.
To continue referring to this economic and political struggle as the clash of two religions only serves to help the thieves. Christians didn't kill 43,000 Iraqi's, lies did. Muslims don't cut the heads off people, distortions do. I could walk around the rest of my life proclaiming to everyone I meet that I'm a worshiper of yarn but my lack of faith in the divinity of yarn and may failure to follow the will of the string could never make me a Yarnian. In truth, couldn't I be just a cotton salesmen looking to score a buck or a politician looking to feast on the power of yarn worshipers? This is not a clash between religions so I wouldn't waste my time wracking up points against either side. Look for the thieves who are robbing the temple while the hypocrites are off fighting... those are the one's who have the numbers wracking up against their souls and what's worse is they're dragging down countless others with them.
You wrote that "there are bad apples in pretty much every religion", this is how I'd respond to that...
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.
By their fruits you will know them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Just so, every good tree bears good fruit, and a rotten tree bears bad fruit.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
So by their fruits you will know them.
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?'
Then I will declare to them solemnly, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.'
Yes, there are bad apples but they will be cut down and thrown into the fire along with the tree that grew them. A real follower of Christ isn't worried about that fate for himself and my guess is... neither is a real follower of Allah.