Why are poopy pants' interviews these days done standing up?
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Wed Sep-20-06 07:59 PM
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Why are poopy pants' interviews these days done standing up? |
Lack of chairs?
Hard work...no time to sit?
What a dick.
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:01 PM
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1. He figures he can get them to "stand down" while he stands up... |
You know since he is an Olympic level athlete.
AIJ Alom
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:01 PM
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2. Laura's been using the paddle or the strap on...Let's GO METS ! |
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:04 PM
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3. In case he has to make a run for it |
on the off chance that a reporter actually asks him a question
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:04 PM
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4. Cause he's the decider. And it makes him look manly. And tough. |
You got a problem with that? You love terrorists, don'cha?
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:06 PM
Response to Reply #4 |
6. I'll tell you what, if he ever poked me in the chest |
he'd be short at least one finger.
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:16 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
9. I've been wondering, if Chimpy really loses it and lashes out at someone, |
what would the Secret Service do?
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:05 PM
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5. The body armor isn't as obvious when he's standing up |
It bunches up around his shoulders when he sits.
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:19 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
10. exactly what i was thinking too... |
.... what a stoopid, cretin, conceited, coward!!!
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:08 PM
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7. Since he wears a wire through which the |
answers to the questons are delivered, Rove suggested that he not sit. The wire could get twisted and cause feedback which could possibly be heard by those who do not need to know.
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:12 PM
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8. His Depends get in a bunch when he sits down. |
Edited on Wed Sep-20-06 08:13 PM by longship
But that doesn't really matter because it very much looks like his shorts get in a bunch when he stands.
The guy just can't win.
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:19 PM
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11. All the better to show off his new codpiece. n/t |
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Wed Sep-20-06 08:48 PM
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Wed Sep-20-06 09:04 PM
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13. his mannequin knees no longer bend |
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Thu Sep-21-06 12:28 PM
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14. He is better able to intimidate the reporters by getting in their face |
Have you noticed how close he stands to the interviewer? That's his way of pushing his power. I can guarantee, however, that he wouldn't be doing a standing interview if the reporter were 6'3"
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Thu Sep-21-06 12:37 PM
Response to Reply #14 |
It's Rove's newest tweak of the image to make him look tough and aggressive by being in the interviewer's face. Good article in Time about it. As usual they are overdoing it to be sure everyone sees the new 'in charge' Bush.
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Thu Sep-21-06 12:30 PM
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15. now that thought occurred to me when he interviewed with Lauer |
maybe he has a sore 'bottom'
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